The film's producer David Ellefson is primarily known as a founding member and bassist of Grammy award winning thrash metal band Megadeth.
With the filmmakers involved primarily being known for their ties and accomplishments in the music industry, this film ironically contains not one note music.
Drew Fortier and James L. Edwards previously starred together in Her Name Was Christa (2020) which was also written and directed by Edwards.
Former Mushroomhead vocalist, Jeff Hatrix, and guitarist Tommy Church appear in the film as homeless interviewees.
According to Drew Fortier's autobiography Dark, Depressing, and Hilarious, this film started off as a potential found footage remake of the 1984 horror film C.H.U.D. (1984) and included support from the original film's writer Shepard Abbott. Though once it was discovered that Abott only owned the musical rights to C.H.U.D., Fortier shelved the idea until reworking his story to become Dwellers.
David Ellefson: This is the first film green-lit by Ellefson Films, the film production company headed by Megadeth bassist. Ellefson appears in the film as himself.