Troy Baker credited as playing...
Erron Black • Shinnok
- Erron Black: Truth be told it surprised me, putting down Kronika. Not bad for a scrawny kid from Wickett. Now that it's done, now what? I don't cotton to being Lord of Time, stuck on some island at the edge of nowhere. No, Erron Black likes being in the thick of it. Seems to me, time oughta stay all mashed up. It's been a hell of a ride. Gotta keep these thrills coming. Which means makin' sure no one gets a chance to screw this up. Once the hourglass gets dumped in the Sea of Blood, ain't no one ever shaping history again. What happens next? Hell if I know. And that's just the way I like it.
- Shinnok: [First line]
- [Shinnok is being tortured by Dark Raiden]
- Shinnok: You should thank me, Raiden. Our battle changed you... for the better!
- Raiden: [Electrocutes Shinnok] Be silent, Shinnok!
- Shinnok: But you wear my amulet. Finally, you embrace the truth the Elder Gods deny. The truth I was cast out for speaking!
- Raiden: The truth I embrace, Shinnok, is that mercy is wasted on those who defile Earthrealm. I will destroy our enemies before they destroy us... starting with you!
- Shinnok: [laughs] How, Raiden? Not even you can kill an Elder God.
- Raiden: [Raiden produces a lightning blade; before decapitating Shinnok] There are fates worse than death!
- Erron Black: That's some outfit.
- Sub-Zero: It honors Lin Kuei tradition.
- Erron Black: Time to let the past die.
- Erron Black: Goddamn, your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard
- Noob Saibot: It will be the last thing you hear.
- Erron Black: Aw, hell no.
- Mileena: A coin for your thoughts, Erron?
- Erron Black: Just trying to reckon why the hell you're back.
- Mileena: A million souls cried out for my return.