6 reviews
This is a decent film with hilarious scenes , laughs , sentimentalism , entertainment and amusement . Set 2019, City of Madrid, center to Spain and capital's country. According to himself, Javier is allegedly the perfect father , working in full-time , programming new apps for an incoming project . His hardworking job causes the neglecting his dissatisfied spouse Marisa and his five children despite he believes that all is calm and easy, that he knows well to his children and that Marisa (Toni Acosta) simply exaggerates about his presumably disproportionated situation as a stressed housewife . But then Javier cannot fulfill the long-time promised travel to the Caribbean paradise to celebrate their 15 years of marriage. Tired of Javier, Marisa offers her sister-in-law Carmen (Silvia Abril) - married to Paco (Leo Harlem)- to make the travel get together for a week , testing Javier to prove if he's really so good as he thinks . Along the way Javier only counts with the help of Rosaura, Marisa's house maid, to care the children . At home he finds a lot of problem when his wife leaving him in charge of the bratty teenager and destructive tinies. There takes place various incidents, as at home as school, and including a firing at the house when Tio Paco is caring the children, then Javier appears in the middle of flaming chaos . Javier discovers how hard is care of his five children , while the life of the family has undergone various happenings and distresses . As the main question of the movie is as follows : What happens when mom is out of the picture? Experience the trouble of a working dad handling four kids while their mother is off on vacation. Can they survive without her? . So, when do you say mom is coming back? .It's going to be the father of all messes.
There are several stories all around, including typical problems of a teen girl , antics and frolics of the children and anything else . We are told of everyday family life , and the beloved daddy well played by Santiago Segura , when his wife leaves him alone with them during a week of holidays and he finds out soon as the housework is extremely difficult , as his new job as father overcomes him , turning a week in theory light and calmness in an unstoppable spiral of craziness .Santiago Segura gives a nice acting as the hard-working , CEO executive and computer technician for an important advert company as welll as a good family man who lives for his extense family . Along with a sympathetic wife finely played by Toni Acosta and her holiday mate , the always comical Silvia Abril . The children teenager Sara, preteen Carlota, child Rocío and Dani, and little child Paula are performed by charming newcomers . This is a remake based on Argentine comedy called "Ten Days Without Mom" directed by Ariel Winograd with Diego Peretti .
It packs colorful and brilliant cinematography by cameraman Ángel Iguácel. As well as attractive and atmospheric musical score by Roque Baños . The picture well produced by Santiago Segura himself , Cindy Teperman , Ignacio Salazar-Simpson , being efficiently directed by Santiago Segura. This acceptable and fun comedy being competently made by Santiago Segura and with fine main and support cast . This well known actor and director has made various films , being especially famous for his 5 films of the Torrente saga. And has directed this nice and succesful films titled Padre no hay mas que uno or Father there is only one . Followed by two hit sequels titled : Padre no hay más que uno 2: La llegada de la suegra and ¡A todo tren! Destino Asturias . Furthermore, Santiago Segura has played important international movies as Blade, Pacific Rim, Chica de Rio and National ones as Muertos de Risa, Obra Maestra, La Reina de España , El dia de la bestia and being fetish actor of the Oscarized filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. Rating : 6/10 . Must see for every man thinking being a housewife is all fun and easy .
There are several stories all around, including typical problems of a teen girl , antics and frolics of the children and anything else . We are told of everyday family life , and the beloved daddy well played by Santiago Segura , when his wife leaves him alone with them during a week of holidays and he finds out soon as the housework is extremely difficult , as his new job as father overcomes him , turning a week in theory light and calmness in an unstoppable spiral of craziness .Santiago Segura gives a nice acting as the hard-working , CEO executive and computer technician for an important advert company as welll as a good family man who lives for his extense family . Along with a sympathetic wife finely played by Toni Acosta and her holiday mate , the always comical Silvia Abril . The children teenager Sara, preteen Carlota, child Rocío and Dani, and little child Paula are performed by charming newcomers . This is a remake based on Argentine comedy called "Ten Days Without Mom" directed by Ariel Winograd with Diego Peretti .
It packs colorful and brilliant cinematography by cameraman Ángel Iguácel. As well as attractive and atmospheric musical score by Roque Baños . The picture well produced by Santiago Segura himself , Cindy Teperman , Ignacio Salazar-Simpson , being efficiently directed by Santiago Segura. This acceptable and fun comedy being competently made by Santiago Segura and with fine main and support cast . This well known actor and director has made various films , being especially famous for his 5 films of the Torrente saga. And has directed this nice and succesful films titled Padre no hay mas que uno or Father there is only one . Followed by two hit sequels titled : Padre no hay más que uno 2: La llegada de la suegra and ¡A todo tren! Destino Asturias . Furthermore, Santiago Segura has played important international movies as Blade, Pacific Rim, Chica de Rio and National ones as Muertos de Risa, Obra Maestra, La Reina de España , El dia de la bestia and being fetish actor of the Oscarized filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. Rating : 6/10 . Must see for every man thinking being a housewife is all fun and easy .
Spanish middle-class (upper middle-class?) life hit squarely on the head. Don't ask why a single old guy like me would watch this, but I have my reasons (perfecting my Spanish is among them). This film isn't anything we haven't seen dozens of times before: the clueless father in charge of the kids so that he can appreciate how much his wife does that he ignores.
While praising the tireless efforts of the mother, the film mocks the busy-body housewives in his chat group, so the movie tries to have it both ways. The film also perpetuates the stereotype of the Spanish woman as humorless, loud, imperious, and not-too-bright. I wish they would stop this.
Most of the attempts at humor are heavy-handed and come up short, but there are moments of dark humor that sort of make this project worthwhile. He treats their sudaca maid like some sort of low-wage slave, which is probably pretty typical of these families of semi-privilege. "Raise your own kids, clean your own toilets," will be cries of the next revolution.
While praising the tireless efforts of the mother, the film mocks the busy-body housewives in his chat group, so the movie tries to have it both ways. The film also perpetuates the stereotype of the Spanish woman as humorless, loud, imperious, and not-too-bright. I wish they would stop this.
Most of the attempts at humor are heavy-handed and come up short, but there are moments of dark humor that sort of make this project worthwhile. He treats their sudaca maid like some sort of low-wage slave, which is probably pretty typical of these families of semi-privilege. "Raise your own kids, clean your own toilets," will be cries of the next revolution.
- leftbanker-1
- Aug 27, 2020
- Permalink
My mom and I were bored, and she was curious about the movie, so we watched it to have a quick laugh, as Santiago Segura and Silvia Abril can be funny.
There's one or two jokes which land, the rest are on the level that you get reading Twitter zingers about the most commonly used comedy topics, which is sad for a movie that cost nearly 3M euros. It's 2020, and we have jokes about a little girl who can't pronounce right and is going to a logopedist?
One can agree with the social message that a movie conveys (the load of sharing children is not shared fairly across couples), but find it crude- laughs are gotten by having everyone in the movie be obnoxious, stupid or both. Takeshi Kitano hinted that the best comedy (and the "best violence") is unexpected; Almodóvar's is at his funniest when he puts his characters in bizarre situations, because jokes surprise you. This movie is exactly the opposite. It just tries to be relatable to the lowest common denominator Spaniard out there.
You could say that the movie has a few laughs in it and is good to watch if you are bored with nothing to do, but I say there's a massive number of good comedies that can keep you busy for ages, so please don't encourage more stuff like this.
There's one or two jokes which land, the rest are on the level that you get reading Twitter zingers about the most commonly used comedy topics, which is sad for a movie that cost nearly 3M euros. It's 2020, and we have jokes about a little girl who can't pronounce right and is going to a logopedist?
One can agree with the social message that a movie conveys (the load of sharing children is not shared fairly across couples), but find it crude- laughs are gotten by having everyone in the movie be obnoxious, stupid or both. Takeshi Kitano hinted that the best comedy (and the "best violence") is unexpected; Almodóvar's is at his funniest when he puts his characters in bizarre situations, because jokes surprise you. This movie is exactly the opposite. It just tries to be relatable to the lowest common denominator Spaniard out there.
You could say that the movie has a few laughs in it and is good to watch if you are bored with nothing to do, but I say there's a massive number of good comedies that can keep you busy for ages, so please don't encourage more stuff like this.
Normally comedies are unintelligent, or use dirty jokes, slapstick... This comedy was funny, just tender enough to be cute without causing diabetes, and fun all the way through. Really, really recommended. I'd give it a seven, but it has a lower grade than it deserves, so I'm giving it an eight for it to get its deserved rating.
The kids deserve special mention. It must have been hell to film a movie with five child actors, but these five were REALLY good in their roles, really well chosen, and all in all, really funny. I hope to see more of them in the future.
Really recommended for a Christmas watch.
The kids deserve special mention. It must have been hell to film a movie with five child actors, but these five were REALLY good in their roles, really well chosen, and all in all, really funny. I hope to see more of them in the future.
Really recommended for a Christmas watch.
- isabelg_miranda
- Dec 4, 2019
- Permalink
Very very very cute, what a peculiar and cute family, these light films that realistically deal with the double journey of women and especially the "home" and "mother" professions, which are so strenuous and consume 24 hours of time, whether in person or just mental, more intense when the parents are omitted, even present, as in the movie, of course with a lot of exaggerations, comical situations, and extreme cuteness of the children, but everything passionate and funny...
- RosanaBotafogo
- Jul 30, 2022
- Permalink
This film is very exciting, interesting, and enjoyable.
The director is Santiago Segura.
The main actors are Martina d'Antiochia, Toni Acosta, Silvia Abril, Leo Harlem, and Wendy Ramos.
It was released on August 1, 2019.
It is a comedy.
This is a funny and surprising film. It has good cinematography and actors. I like this film because it is interesting and exciting, and it shows a crazy family.
In conclusion, I think it's a fantastic film, and I would recommend it to everyone.
This is a comedy film, and the film is very funny. It has got beautiful cinematography. I give it 10/10, the film is fantastic!
- Martina
This is a comedy film, and the film is very funny. It has got beautiful cinematography. I give it 10/10, the film is fantastic!
- Antia
- stephen-71353
- Mar 8, 2020
- Permalink