Joe Baylor answers a 911 call from a man who injured his knee and tells him to call back later then hangs up. The man immediately calls back and Joe tells him the same call taker will always receive the caller's phone call. This is inaccurate as all 911 call takers can answer a ringing 911 call.
At film time 1:05:57 a location on the 911 map shows an incorrect spelling of "Search Results", showing "Seacrh Results" instead.
Early on Joe's phone shows the time as 7pm. Shortly thereafter, his wife tells him on the phone that it is almost 2am. This is in fact intentional as shortly after that Joe says he's been losing track of time.
Many questions asked by Baylor as a 911 operator are inappropriate and irrelevant.
This is not a mistake but a choice. It shows Joe's disregard for the rules.
On at least two occasions while Joe is talking on the phone, traffic can be heard in the background at the other end. The traffic sounds are in stereo, but standard telephone calls are mono.