...In all the WRONG ways. I will say that I've always rolled my eyes at the frequency and relentless trolling of "1/10 scores" and the one line reviews (Was so thankful when IMDB changed that). I can likewise say I can still remember on two hands and 1 bare foot the number of times I've given a 1 to anything. Aside from Kirk Cameron movies I may have given a 1/10 to perhaps 5 films in my lifetime. This is certainly one that deserves it.
I adore "So bad their good" films, from masterpieces like Nail gun Massacre to Gutterballs. But then they are so different than "really sincerely bad" films. I sometimes have zero clue how stuff like this gets made. It's not funny, it's a collection of horrific scenes of the most horrific folks, seemingly all hired from the local trap house. Even the worst film usually has , even if by accident, at least 1 attractive person in it, not this one. The "Story" is barely there, the acting is horrific, and if the previews of the other films by this SRS company are any indication it's par for the course for them, if I had not been GIVEN this thing I'd have been ashamed. I'm not even sure how to give it away as I would not want anyone to think I got this for myself...LMAO. I will say it will NOT stay in the presence of my film collection. My advice to all involved, give up, walk out of the room quietly and be ashamed.