1 review
Riverdale will be coming to an end in just nine days. One of the most original outrageous ridiculous and fun television shows of all time will have its final episode on August 23rd. This amusing short was released in 2018 and features Camila Mendes and K. J. Apa and Veronica and Archie. It is a sly spoof of those cheesy 1980's anti drug commercials that the Partnership For A Drug Free America used to put out, in particular it spoofs the most famous one as Veronica uses a frying pan to demonstrate the horrible effects of jingle jangle.. What a powerful message indeed as she totally destroys a diner and splashes Archie with a strawberry milkshake! Riverdale has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and I will be so sorry to see it end. I just hope it goes out with a bang and not a whimper!