The story of an immature, irresponsible, and incompetent detective named Kang, and a girl with psychic abilities who team up to pursue a serial killer, who becomes possessed by the spirit of another serial killer. I've seen other Korean shows I enjoyed very much, Signal, and Tunnel, and A Man Named God. But this show is becoming difficult to watch. Det. Kang has his psychic abilities awakened through his love interest. He has some good instincts, but he makes awful errors in judgement, and has virtually no control of his emotions. This isn't the first show to glorify a detective who wants to arrest a bad guy without any evidence of his guilt, but Kang takes this stupidity to new heights, or lows. Do the writers think this appeals to viewers? This trope of a detective who is so sure of a person's guilt that he insists on arresting him without evidence is so banal. After fouling things up so spectacularly, Kang plays the victim and never acknowledges his errors or the predicament he puts his teamates in. I am seriously questioning whether I should finish this series.