Third installment in the "Deery" franchise. The first two installments were 12 minute-long shorts. The first episode was called The College Research Student and the second episode was called "A Very Deery Christmas", though the second episode never finished filming and only was released with comically reused scenes and stock footage filling the rest of the run time. A third installment was planned with a hunter as the main antagonist, but this never materialized. Todd Magnuson and Heidi Small appeared as different characters in both of the episodes. Entire scenes from the first episode were recreated for Deery: Off the Wall, and the first episode's main antagonist, Luke Garoo appears again as the main antagonist of Deery: Off the Wall. Larry Daugherty, the main antagonist of the second episode, is also comically listed in the credits as this film's narrator.
Body Count: three. Norman, the guy on fire and Tom. Of the three, only Norman is killed by the monster.
Mainly a parody of 60s movies, particularly the 1969 monster film It's Alive! (1969). Some other inspiration was taken from the 1964 film Surf Party (1964), as well as the 1968 Australian television series Skippy (1968).
This film is a partial remake of Todd Magnuson's 2006 film "It's Really Something". That film was just a parody of It's Alive! (1969), but due to various reasons (mostly cast and crew disputes) it was not deemed suitable for a wide release and the story of that movie was simply combined with the Deery franchise and this film was born.
The dynamite was wooden sticks held together with paper, and the wick was a sparkler.