So i feel very conflicted about this film. Obviously being South African i want our films to be good and give them the benefit of the doubt but my god was this the most generic jump scare-type horror movie.
I dont think i've ever sighed so many times during a film just because of how predictable the "scares" were going to be. I think the story, writing, pacing and the performance of the film could've been way way better. I was confused half of the time thinking "wtf is this film actually about?" The concept was solid, I just think the execution of it all wasn't done any justice
There are some positives from it in my opinion. Most of the technical side of things were done well. Even though its not groundbreaking cinematography, i still think it was shot beautifully. Lovely setting. The lighting and sound was great. OH MY GOD the production and costume design!! Probably the best thing about this film for me.
So yeah i think where it fell short in the feeling, it made up for it in the technical aspects. I'm not judging it too harshly because I personally think horror is fairly new to South African film (e.g. Tokoloshe, 8, Rage etc) so obviously there's gonna be some duds here and there. Overall not baaad movie but also not a good one too, the typical horror tropes were a bit overkill lmaoo. Also i saw one of my lecturers in this and i legit lost my mind laughing so there's that.