Oz Linked is a comedy TV series. It is a fictional Australian social services organisation. Oz Linked follows the life of one of its employees, Psychologist, Susan Gonsalves. Susan faces daily challenges, struggles and interactions with co-workers, the frustrating system and the colourful customers that walk-through Oz Linked. Oz Linked series focuses on social justice issues: multi-culturalism, refugees, indigenous Australians, disability and mental health, ageism, sexism, homosexuality and transgender. Susan loves her job at Oz Linked but is often frustrated by the system and the colourful customers that walk into her office. She wants to genuinely help people but the organisation itself is very limiting. She is also struggling with loneliness in her private life and desperately wants a family. She struggles with a very difficult mother and caring for her grandmother who is in a nursing home. Sharon is a regular customer at Oz Linked. She has a good heart and means well, but struggles with her mental health and bringing up two girls on her own. Her 'neediness' for a man, often gets her into some unusual predicaments.