Edith Erastoff credited as playing...
Halla the Widow
- Berg-Ejvind: Kári has loved you. You are the only woman he has ever loved. But now Kári is no more. He has never been anything but a poor and unhappy man's dream. He has loved you for a long time, but he has never seen how beautiful you are until now - like blue mountain rising out of the mist!
- Halla: Close your eyes, Kári - and sleep for another moment. Kiss me!
- Berg-Ejvind: I want to sleep with my eyes open.
- Björn: I cannot make pretty speeches. I am 48, but you are no longer a child either. If we two join forces it will be a property without equal in the parish. Would you consider becoming my wife?
- [Halla laughs]
- Björn: Do you think it is so absurd?
- Halla: Show yourself now as you are! When your brother told you he wanted to wed me, you thought it a disgrace to the family for him to marry a penniless servant-girl. You advised him to satisfy what you called his fleeting lust without marriage.