Mary Lynde (Theda Bara), a young and innocent girl, unaware of the wiles of men poses for artist Felix Benavente (Sidney Mason), meets Robert Sinclair (Hugh Thompson) who has no problem sedu... Read allMary Lynde (Theda Bara), a young and innocent girl, unaware of the wiles of men poses for artist Felix Benavente (Sidney Mason), meets Robert Sinclair (Hugh Thompson) who has no problem seducing her and she is soon pregnant. The caddish Sinclair betrays and deserts her and her st... Read allMary Lynde (Theda Bara), a young and innocent girl, unaware of the wiles of men poses for artist Felix Benavente (Sidney Mason), meets Robert Sinclair (Hugh Thompson) who has no problem seducing her and she is soon pregnant. The caddish Sinclair betrays and deserts her and her stern father is none to pleased with poor Mary either. The death of her baby causes her to s... Read all