On a hunting expedition, a young Englishman meets Dheelia, a dancer dedicated to the goddess Kali. Despite Dheelia's pleas, the goddess's priests seize Jack and lock them in the temple to await sacrifice. With the help of Dheelia, William, Jack's companion, organizes the rescue. After countless chases through horrific dangers, the young man is saved. He can return to London, but Dheelia has disappeared. The following year, he meets her again in London, on the eve of his marriage to a little English girl. The passionate Hindu revolts. Jack doesn't know where his duty lies. Suddenly, a small troupe invades the room and rushes at them: they are the priests of Kali who have not renounced their victims. After a long plane crossing, they find themselves in the dungeons. But William followed their trail and warned the English army. After a bloody siege, the temple is captured. Dheelia dies blessing the union of Jack and his fiancee.
—La Critique cinématographique - June 25, 1927