Matt Moore credited as playing...
Stanley Wentworth
- Norma Besant: I sorta got things twisted. But, I was wonderin', did we have a date to go to the dance tonight?
- Stanley Wentworth: Why, I thought I...
- Norma Besant: That's just what I thought too, Stanley; but, it was so long ago, I kinda forgot.
- Stanley Wentworth: Yeah, one does forget, I suppose.
- Norma Besant: It was just the funniest thing, but, you see I-I kinda forgot. You 'member I was over at Nellie Anne's a couple a weeks ago? And, I-I met Michael.
- Stanley Wentworth: Oh, well I see where I take another ride in the rumble seat.
- Stanley Wentworth: Why don't you marry me, Norma?
- Norma Besant: Stanley, you're a dear.
- Stanley Wentworth: Oh, I know you've heard it so often it's beginning to sound like an echo. But, I do, so, mean it.
- Miss Jenkins: [Talking to Stanley] And the doctor wore rubber gloves, the kind I wear when I wash dishes on the maid's night out.
- [Stanely sees Norma motioning to him, and he abruptly leaves the conversation]
- Norma Besant: [Stanley and Norma dance for *literally* two seconds] Oh, wasn't that just wonderful?
- Stanley Wentworth: Yes, wasn't it?
- Norma Besant: Let's go out and get some fresh air, Stanley.
- Stanley Wentworth: I need it.
- [as the pair pass Miss Jenkins, still standing where she was when Stanley left her]
- Stanley Wentworth: Pardon me, Miss Jenkins, I enjoyed your operations very much.
- Miss Jenkins: Oh.
- Stanley Wentworth: [as Norma and Stanely emerge outside] If I have to hear that story once more, I'll be operating on Miss Jenkins in my sleep.