Jed Prouty credited as playing...
Newton Wampler
- Newton Wampler: And until I saw you just now with your war paint off, I'd a sworn you weren't a day over twelve.
- Newton Wampler: Gosh, you're a cute little trick. I-it wouldn't do for me to be around you long.
- Hattie Hartley: You married, Mr. Wampler?
- Newton Wampler: No. I'm a lonely old bach, but I got a mighty fine business.
- Newton Wampler: What's your name little girl?
- Oriole: Oriole.
- Newton Wampler: Oriole, eh? Gosh, that's an odd name, isn't it?
- Hattie Hartley: [chuckles] Well, Mom called her that 'cause, when she was born and Mom was comin' out of the ether, there was a little bird singin' outside her window. The doctor said it was an Oriole.
- Mrs. Truxton: You seem very friendly with these theater people, Newton.
- Newton Wampler: Oh, I'm friendly with everyone, Jane. That's my nature.
- Newton Wampler: Now, you see, I'm a businessman. I've got plenty of cash. Now, let's you and me get down to cases. I'll make you a little proposition.
- Hattie Hartley: A proposition?
- Newton Wampler: Yeah, I guess you know what I mean, don't you?
- Newton Wampler: [seeking a little girl but finding a grown woman] Well, I guess I'm in the right church but the wrong pew, as the fella says.