Olive Borden credited as playing...
Judy Page
- Judy Paige: Oh, you do love me, don't you?
- Dickie Carroll: Love you? I'm crazy about you. Do you love me?
- Judy Paige: When you hold me like this, I-I'm just gaga.
- Dickie Carroll: What's this: have you alone all summer idea? What did she mean by that?
- Judy Paige: Now, don't worry, precious. I'll just run along home and pay a little visit.
- Dickie Carroll: Yes and Stribbling will be making love to you.
- Judy Paige: Oh, don't think about him, darling. He's harmless.
- Judy Paige, Dickie Carroll: There's only you and I and tonight, Dick.
- Dickie Carroll: Please stop, Judy, I want to be sensible.
- Judy Paige: You want to marry me too, don't you?