"The Magical World of Disney" The Story of the Animated Drawing (TV Episode 1955)
"L'ami public numéro un" Pinocchio (TV Episode 1963)
The Walt Disney Story (Short 1973)
Animated Century (TV Movie 2003)
"Animation Lookback: Walt Disney Animation Studios +" Part 1 (TV Episode 2019)
Slides (Short 1919)
The Boxing Kangaroo (Short 1920)
The Chinaman (Short 1920)
The Circus (Short 1920)
The Ouija Board (Short 1920)
Experiment No. 1 (Short 1918)
Experiment No. 2 (Short 1919)
Experiment No. 3 (Short 1919)
The Clown's Pups (Short 1919)