- Julie Kirk: Men never know what the sea really looks like. Women know. When they've looked out there for years, waitin' for somebody to come back.
- One Punch McCoy: [takes the girl's hand] I could eat you.
- [then looks up to see her for the first time]
- One Punch McCoy: But I'm afraid it would take months and months.
- [first lines]
- Joe Miller: [on the phone] Hello, Thelma, this is Miller. No, I don't want the desk. I want to talk to Phelps.
- Joe Miller: You wouldn't go for that kiss now, would you?
- Julie Kirk: Say, I thought you came down here to work.
- Joe Miller: Well, if you don't think it's work getting a kiss out of you, you're nuts.
- Joe Miller: I've got the finish for my novel.
- Julie Kirk: What is it?
- Joe Miller: He marries the girl.
- Julie Kirk: That's a swell finish.
- Randall: Take one of our little booklets.
- Joe Miller: Oh, take one of those little booklets yourself and stick it in your back pocket. I know more about this boat than you do.
- Joe Miller: [In the bottom of an old Spanish prison ship] Oh, yeah, this was, this, this was the manicure parlor. Now with these things they take and uh, pull your fingernails out.
- Joe Miller: [Looking around at his tidied apartment] You did this?
- Julie Kirk: Yes.
- Joe Miller: Why?
- Julie Kirk: Well, I had something to say to you, 'n this is my way of saying it. You like it?
- Joe Miller: I think its swell.
- One Punch McCoy: When two guys agree, one of them is unnecessary.
- Joe Miller: All city editors are unnecessary.
- Joe Miller: What are you doing in this dump?
- One Punch McCoy: Looking for work. Any good jobs in your shop?
- Joe Miller: Naw - I got the only good one, and that's terrible.