Bruce Cabot credited as playing...
Jack Driscoll
- Carl Denham: Listen, there are dozens of girls in this town tonight that are in more danger than they'll ever see with me.
- Jack Driscoll: Yeah, but they know that kind of danger.
- Carl Denham: Wait a minute, what about Kong?
- Jack Driscoll: Well, what about him?
- Carl Denham: We can here to get a moving picture, and we've found something worth more than all the movies in the world!
- Captain Englehorn: [incredulous] What?
- Carl Denham: We've got those gas bombs. If we can capture him alive...
- Jack Driscoll: Why, you're crazy. Besides that, he's on a cliff where a whole army couldn't get at him.
- Carl Denham: Yeah, if he stays there...
- [looks at Ann]
- Carl Denham: but we've got something he wants.
- Jack Driscoll: [holds Ann] Yeah. Something he won't get again.
- Carl Denham: [protesting the agent's lack of confidence in the safety of Denham's voyage] You act as if I've never brought anybody back alive! Look at the Captain and first mate - - they've gone on several of my last missions, and they don't look any the worse for wear.
- Jack Driscoll: [sarcastically, in wary half-hearted agreement with Denham's assertions] Yeah - - we're healthy!
- Jack Driscoll: What do you call that thing?
- Carl Denham: Something from the dinosaur family.
- Jack Driscoll: Dinosaur, eh?
- Carl Denham: Yes, Jack; a prehistoric beast.
- Captain Englehorn: And you expect to photograph it?
- Carl Denham: If it's there, you bet I'll photograph it!
- Jack Driscoll: Suppose it doesn't like having its picture taken?
- Carl Denham: Well, now you know why I brought along those cases of gas bombs
- Ann Darrow: Don't you think the skipper's a sweet old lamb?
- Jack Driscoll: Ha ha ha! I'd hate to have him hear me say that!
- Carl Denham: [talking to Jack across the ravine] Why, you wouldn't follow that beast alone?
- Jack Driscoll: Someone's got to stay on his trail while it's hot!
- Jack Driscoll: There's one thing we haven't thought of...
- Police Lieutenant: What?
- Jack Driscoll: Airplanes. If he should put Ann down, and they can fly close enough to pick him off without hitting her...
- Police Lieutenant: You're right! Planes! Call the field!