In his autobiography Douglas Fairbanks Jr. claims that Bette Davis thought Director Alfred E. Green's sense of humor as infantile. Fairbanks characterized his co-star as "not particularly pretty; in fact, I thought her quite plain, but one didn't easily forget her unique personality." He also remembered her as "always conscientious, serious... devoid of humor of any kind." Despite this, Producer Fairbanks hired her two decades later to star in "Another Man's Poison."
In 1962, producer-director Robert Aldrich was preparing the prologue to What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962). He chose a scene from this film and Ex-Lady (1933) to document the fact that the young Jane was a flop as a movie star.
One of the first films where a flushing toilet can be heard - the janitor in the vacated office.
The $75 Bill gets for the one parachute jump (that was supposed to be his weekly pay) would equate to about $1,710 in 2023.