Elise: Why are you so mean to me, Jack? Let's have a little drink. Where's a glass? You don't expect Mrs. Elise Peabody Whittington Smythe to drink out of a bottle?
Jack: Don't be ridiculous, Elise. Come on, you got to get out of here. Come on, now, like a good girl.
Elise: I don't want to be a good girl! What's that get you? I want life and love. I want you.
Elise: Oh, Jackie, this is terrible. You are living in sin! This is very wicked of you.
Mary: Will you please get out or shall I call Mr. Eckbaum?
Elise: How dare you! I've never been so insulted in my life. It's disgusting! Mrs. Elise Peabody Whittington Smythe. A disgusting affair - in a garret!
[walks back in the room, picks up a liquor bottle, walk back out]