George Sidney credited as playing...
- Eckbaum: You could call it a loan couldn't you?
- Jack: Listen, Eckbaum, you can call it a lot worst than that and you'd still be right. Listen, I know what's in back of that old dame's mind and I won't have it!
- Eckbaum: But, Jack, she wants to help you.
- Jack: That's my business.
- Eckbaum: All right, then, so it's my business. After all, I'm a landlord, not a Salvation Army Captain.
- Eckbaum: Miss Carroll, what else can I do? You know, I got taxes, heavy taxes. You know, this ain't the Eckbaum Foundation for Indignant Females.
- Jack: Now, listen, Eckbaum, I know these dames. They come to Greenwich Village, from small towns, looking for romance. I don't care if she is broke! She's just trying to hang one on over on you. What do think this is? Seventh heaven?
- Eckbaum: On the fourth floor? It couldn't be.
- Jack: Trying to make a flop house out of this joint? A flop house for women! She slides out of bed and I slide in.
- [sarcastically]
- Jack: That's swell.
- Eckbaum: For $15 a month, you'll have a place so comfortable to live in, I guarantee you'll be like a bug in the rug.
- Eckbaum: No, not in the same bed! Never at the same time together. On that I insist! Fifteen minutes before she can come in, you gotta get out. You understand that? Even if I have to put Julius at the door to see that it happens.
- Jack: A rotten outrage. I won't have any moon-faced, corn-fed, goggle-eyed spinster in my room.
- Eckbaum: Oh, yes you will. You got to agree to that now.