Elizabeth Young credited as playing...
- Christina: Ebba, come in!
- Aage: Now, don't dally, your majesty. You have a busy day.
- Christina: [Ebba kneels and kisses Christina's hand] Good morning, Ebba.
- [Ebba rises and Christina kisses Ebba on the lips]
- Christina: What are you doing up so early?
- Ebba: I couldn't sleep.
- Christina: That means you're either happy or unhappy. Which is it?
- Ebba: Happy!
- Ebba: Lets go for a sleigh ride!
- Christina: I can't now.
- Ebba: Oh, why not?
- Christina: Ambassadors. Treaties. Councils.
- Ebba: How boring!
- Christina: But, we go afterwards, Ebba.
- Ebba: Oh, you always say that. But, at the end of the day, you're never free to go anywhere. You're surrounded by musty old papers and musty old men and I can't get near you.
- Christina: Today, I'll dispose of them by sundown. I promise you! And we'll go away, for two or three days in the country. Wouldn't you like that?
- Ebba: Oh, I'd love it!
- Christina: It is you I cannot forgive, Ebba! You needn't fear my domination any longer.
- Ebba: Oh, your Majesty, please!
- Christina: You pretended to be interested in me and my problems. Your sympathy. Your concern. All pretends! Underneath, which, you resented me.
- Ebba: Oh, you do not understand. Your majesty!
- Christina: Your difficulty is, Ebba, that I do.