Ricardo Cortez credited as playing...
Dutch Barnes
- Dutch Barnes: Now, listen, I don't want to have to drop a nice loud pineapple on your doorstep. But, if you ask for it, you'll get it. Now, lets you and me be friends, huh?
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Swell. That'll look great with your picture and fingerprints.
- Dutch Barnes: Don't talk like that, babe. This is libel to get you a necklace.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Yeah. Necklace for me and bracelets for you.
- Lefty: What's eatin' the kid?
- Dutch Barnes: Thinks he's gonna quit.
- Lefty: What do you think?
- Dutch Barnes: I think he ain't.
- Dutch Barnes: I thought I put some sense into you. Now, get this, I sometimes drop a guy, see, but nobody ever quits. You understand?
- Dutch Barnes: Lefty, what's our racket?
- Lefty: Beer!
- Dutch Barnes: Beer, huh, you're five minutes late. We're going in the drug business.
- Lefty: Not me. I got a brother doing twenty years for going into the drug racket and all they found on him was two decks of coke.
- Mae LaRue: [Bursting in on Dutch and Lil in Dutch's office] I told you he was in!
- [Sizing up the situation]
- Mae LaRue: Hello, lover.
- Dutch Barnes: [Straightening his tie nervously] Hello, Mae.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Hello Mae? You bet he's in; he's in my hair.
- [turning to Dutch]
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Why you double-crossing, two-timing slug. So that's why you want to send me to Europe, huh?
- Dutch Barnes: Now wait a minute, honey, wait a minute.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Oh, wait a minute - breezin' me off so you can play post office with this queen. What gutter'dja pick her out of?
- Mae LaRue: [Doing a Mae West hand-on-hip hair fluff] I don't believe I know you.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: [Kicking her in the rump] Well how's this for an introduction?
- Mae LaRue: Why I'll knock your head off and throw it right in...
- [They start to wrestle]
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: You and what army?
- [They continue fighting and hair-pulling and yelling at each other. After thirty seconds or so, Dutch intervenes]
- Dutch Barnes: [Pushing the women apart] Now listen, you two dames. What's the matter with ya?
- Lefty: [to Slim] Get Jimmy.
- [Lefty and Dutch go into the next room and close the door]
- Dutch Barnes: [to Lefty] *There's* a couplea phone numbers for the ashcan!
- Lefty: Maybe we'd better go in for nail files.
- [as a next line of business]
- Dutch Barnes: Shut up. Where's Jimmy?
- Lefty: Slim's sending him in.
- Jimmy Morrell: [Entering] Mr. Barnes, what's happened?
- Dutch Barnes: My tomatoes blew up.
- Dutch Barnes: Now, listen. You're dying of starvation, ain't you? You ain't got enough dough in your cash register to buy your kitten cream.
- Dutch Barnes: How did you get in?
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: [points at the door] They're still using that for an entrance, aren't they?
- Dutch Barnes: I didn't think you came in through the window.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Oh, that's been done too.
- Dutch Barnes: I never use my own judgment. I'm pretty easy, see. But, if you can fool those mugs in there, you're doing something.
- Jimmy Morrell: But, I can't make Pearly Dent toothpaste. That wouldn't be honest.
- Dutch Barnes: All you have to do is make the stuff and keep your mouth shut. We'll do the rest.
- Dutch Barnes: Now, look, Jimmy, here's a few hundred dollars. I want you to go out and buy a flock of samples. You know, all the junk that women use: compacts, perfume, powder, see. I tell you what you do, buy it in your own store. Nothing like keeping the money in the family, huh?
- Dutch Barnes: That should be a swell trip, honey.
- Lily 'Lil' Duran: Gee, think of me going to Europe.
- Dutch Barnes: I am, baby.