Jane Withers credited as playing...
Joy Smythe
- Joy Smythe: What are you gonna get for Christmas? I'm gonna get a pink dollhouse with real furniture and a real piano and a tennis racket and a great big doll.
- Shirley Blake: I asked Santa Claus to bring me a doll.
- Joy Smythe: There ain't any Santa Claus!
- Shirley Blake: There is too!
- Joy Smythe: There is not! My psychoanalyst told me there ain't any Santa Claus or fairies or giants or anything like that.
- Shirley Blake: I'll bet you'd feel pretty bad tomorrow morning if you woke up and you didn't have any presents.
- Joy Smythe: Well, I won't. Wanna know why? 'Cause I already peeked in the closet and saw 'em.
- Shirley Blake: I don't care what you saw. There is a Santa Claus!
- Joy Smythe: There ain't!
- Shirley Blake: Mr. Smith, there is a Santa Claus, isn't there?
- Uncle Ned Smith: What did she say?
- Shirley Blake: She said there isn't.
- Uncle Ned Smith: Then there is.
- Anita Smythe: You must practice your piano. You won't have to practice again until after Santa Claus comes.
- Joy Smythe: There ain't any Santa Claus!
- Anita Smythe: Don't say ain't, darling, say isn't.
- Joy Smythe: Ain't, ain't, ain't!
- J. Wellington Smythe: What's all this noise about?
- Joy Smythe: Mama wants me to practice, and I don't wanna!
- J. Wellington Smythe: You must do as your mother says.
- Joy Smythe: No, I ain't gonna!
- J. Wellington Smythe: Now, see here ...
- Anita Smythe: Now, darling, remember what the psychoanalyst said. The child mind must never be coerced. One must use reason and persuasion. Now, dear, practice your piano and Mama will buy you something nice.
- Joy Smythe: What?
- Anita Smythe: Anything you like. What do you especially want?
- Joy Smythe: A machine gun!
- Joy Smythe: [Last line] Oh, Papa... now we don't have to be nice to Uncle Ned anymore!
- [her mother slaps her and she starts bawling]
- Joy Smythe: [with practicing piano] One and two and three and. One and two and three and. One and two and three and. One and two and...
- Uncle Ned Smith: Stop it! One and two and three and. One and two- is that all you know?
- Joy Smythe: [runs to her mother] Mama! Mama!
- Uncle Ned Smith: Mama! Mama! It's a good thing I am not your mama. That's enough to drive a man crazy. Things better be a little different around here or you're gonna see the last of me.
- Shirley Blake: [finds one of Joys of dolls by the incinerator] Why, you poor little thing. You must have cracked up. You should be in the hospital.
- Joy Smythe: Hey, that's my doll.
- Shirley Blake: Well, I just found her here.
- Joy Smythe: You can't have her.
- [rips the doll out of Shirley's arms]
- Joy Smythe: You bad old thing. You ran away from home and I'm gonna spank you
- [spanks the doll]
- Shirley Blake: If you give her to me, I'll take care of her. I'll wash her face and make her some clothes and everything.
- Joy Smythe: You can't have her. You wanna know why? Because I'm gonna kill her.
- [rips off the dolls limps and head before skipping away]
- Joy Smythe: Let's play hospital. I'll be the doctor, and you'll be the nurse. We'll get a big knife out of the kitchen and operate on your doll.
- Shirley Blake: I don't want Mary Lou to be operated on.
- Joy Smythe: I don't care. You have to play the way I want to.
- Shirley Blake: I don't, either.
- Joy Smythe: Yes, you do because this is my house and my yard and you're nothing but an old charity.
- Shirley Blake: I am not!
- Joy Smythe: Yes, you are because I heard my papa tell my mama so.