Lois Wilson credited as playing...
Mary Blake
- Shirley Blake: Mother, I dressed myself, and I put my clothes away, all folded and everything.
- Mary Blake: Well, you're your mother's little angel, that's what you are.
- Shirley Blake: No, I'm not, because angels have wings, like these.
- Mary Blake: Those are your daddy's pilot wings.
- Shirley Blake: I know, and now he's really an angel, isn't he?
- Mary Blake: Yes, darling.
- Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins: It's just a bit of a Christmas gift for Shirley.
- Mary Blake: You're so kind. I bought a few things for her, not very much of course. Things were different when her father was alive.
- Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins: Yes, the poor young fellow. But it must be a comfort to know you're doing all you can for her. She's such a sweet child. Not like that Joy. There's a brat if ever one lived.
- Uncle Ned Smith: Hey, where's your little girl?
- Mary Blake: She's gone to a Christmas party.
- Uncle Ned Smith: I don't believe in Christmas.
- Mary Blake: You don't?
- Uncle Ned Smith: It's all a lot of nonsense.
- Mary Blake: Well, I don't feel that way about it.
- Uncle Ned Smith: Here.
- [handing her some money]
- Uncle Ned Smith: Buy a Christmas present for Shirley from me. Christmas.
- [scoffs]
- Mary Blake: Well! What do you make of that?
- Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins: He never fooled me. He's only tough on the outside. Inside, he's soft as mush.
- Mary Blake: It's so wonderful of you boys to give Shirley her Christmas party.
- James 'Loop' Merritt: We're getting a big kick out of it ourselves.
- Mary Blake: She'll be so surprised. She doesn't expect much, you know.
- James 'Loop' Merritt: You get her down to the airport as early in the morning as you can.
- Mary Blake: I may not be able to come with her, but I'll be down just as soon as I can get away.
- J. Wellington Smythe: Why, Uncle Ned, why didn't you call us?
- Uncle Ned Smith: Call you? I yelled, and I shouted and I bellowed. A thanks lot of good it did me. No one pays any attention to me. No one cares what happens to me. All you do is think of yourselves.
- Anita Smythe: Oh, Uncle Ned, you know that isn't so.
- Uncle Ned Smith: Mary!
- Mary Blake: Yes, Mr. Symthe.
- Uncle Ned Smith: My name is Smith. His name is Symthe.
- Mary Blake: Yes, Mr. Smith.
- Uncle Ned Smith: Didn't you hear me holler a little while ago?
- Mary Blake: No, sir, I didn't.
- Uncle Ned Smith: These folks around here better get their ears fixed.
- Anita Smythe: Higgins!
- Higgins: Yes, madam?
- Anita Smythe: My cousin Miss Martin is arriving from New York tomorrow. I want to be sure that everything is done just right.
- Higgins: Yes, madam.
- Anita Smythe: Thomas, you'll meet her plane in the morning.
- Thomas, Chauffeur: Yes, madam.
- Anita Smythe: I'm very anxious to show her that we can do things exactly as well out here as they do in the east.
- Higgins: Yes, madam.
- Anita Smythe: I want perfect meals and perfect service.
- Higgins: Yes, madam.
- Anita Smythe: And Mary, I hope you'll remember what I told you this morning about visitors.
- Mary Blake: Yes, madam.
- Anita Smythe: I don't approve of all these telephone calls, Mary.
- Mary Blake: I'm sorry.
- Anita Smythe: And I don't approve of all these aviators who keep coming here to see your little girl.
- Mary Blake: She's sort of a pet with them. They all knew her father.
- Anita Smythe: I know that, but I really can't have it. It isn't everyone who'd engage a maid with a small child. I have no fault to find with your work, but if you want to stay on with us, you'll have to correct these things.