Rosalind Russell credited as playing...
- Eleanor: I wish a man would marry me so I could wear a decent hat.
- Shemp 'Shempy': That's the best reason for getting married I ever heard.
- Eleanor: Oh, I want to go to the bachelor dinner.
- Shemp 'Shempy': Can you do a fan dance?
- Eleanor: I invented the fan dance.
- Shemp 'Shempy': I saw one with electric fans once, it was awful
- Mary Clay: Just look at those cornflowers... When I was a kid, I said I wanted to be married in a cornflower dress. Dill remembered. Married in hundreds of cornflowers. What a perfect wedding.
- Eleanor: It's a matter of taste. I'd just soon be married in alcohol.
- Aunt Paula: Eleanor!
- Eleanor: Oh, now, don't worry, Paula. I'll be so old they'll have to pickle me in something!