James Cagney credited as playing...
Jimmy Corrigan
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: [as Joan enters] Cigarette?
- Miss Joan Martin: No, thanks.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: You know, I've been thinkin' about you, Baby.
- Miss Joan Martin: I wish you wouldn't, Jimmy.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What?
- Miss Joan Martin: Think about me.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What's the matter?
- Miss Joan Martin: I'm liable to catch something hanging out in your mind.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: [to Lou] Now, look, you beat it down to the Farm Owner's Trust Company and bribe that dumb, bald man to give you the dope on that old lady! Get it?
- [Pointing a threatening finger]
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: And look, if you miss anything, you get lumps!
- Miss Joan Martin: You don't care what anybody does! It's just getting caught!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What's the matter with that? Im in business, aren't I?
- Miss Joan Martin: I'll say! Crooked business!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Oh, all business is crooked!
- Miss Joan Martin: Signed Jimmy Corrigan, the boy with the worm's eye view!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: There's only two kinds of guys in business - those who get caught and those who on't!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: [Gladys laughs] I knew we'd get along.
- [He laughs]
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Now look, Babe, listen. Listen. Tell me, Gladys, what would you do for a nice big piece of change?
- Gladys Farrell: Hunh! What wouldn't I do!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Yeah, we know all about that, but this is business.
- Gladys Farrell: All right, so it's business. How do I snag this dough?
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: By not testifying against Joe Rector.
- Gladys Farrell: So that's it. Say, listen, I'll send that hyena to the chair and put a tack in it!
- Charles Wallingham: [In a French accent] Au revoir, Cunningham.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: [In a New York accent] Fillette Mignon, Wallingham.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Hello, Baby. I was just gonna give yuh a ring.
- [He notices she is just glaring at him]
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What's the matter?
- Miss Joan Martin: [Contemptuously] You go down deeper, stay under longer, and come up dirtier than any man I've ever known!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: [Starting to pour her a drink] Say when.
- Mabel: [Clueless] Whattya mean?
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Let it go.
- Lou: I finally located the tomato that fits the description. A beautiful gurl. I been workin' on at nights!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Oh, nights, huh?
- Lou: She fits purfect!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Yeah?
- Lou: Blonde, blue eyes, about five foot three in her stockings.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Go on.
- Lou: And she's got a little mole on her left hip.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Stop right there! In the first place, it wasn't a mole it was a wart. And in the second place it wasn't on a hip is was on a shoulder. And in the third place is wasn't a dame, it was a guy!
- Lou: There must be some mistake.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Yeah and that's you!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Sit down boys. Everybody sit down. Boys, have a seat. Now look, in the first place you got to get it out of your head that this is a racket. This is a respectable, high-class, A-Number One, business. And you boys got a chance to make some real dough. Only, you gotta watch yourself to keep outta jail. See?
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: That's cheaper than payin' off all them nurses and interns in Emergency, ain't it?
- Lou: Swell! Now, if they could only do that all around, we could let some of them mugs go we got workin' for us.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What! And throw all them nice boys we got workin' for us out of work? What becomes of the NRA? What becomes of liberty? What becomes of democracy?
- Lou: Boy, you're a Prince.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Nah! Just doin' my part, that's all.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Hiya, baby.
- Miss Joan Martin: Jimmy! What? It's taking my breathe away. So swank!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Cosy, ain't it.
- Miss Joan Martin: Cosy? It's colossal!
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: What's the matter with that dame?
- Lou: I don't understand, huh? First she says she's proud of me and then when I give her some of the details...
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Details? Why you big, silly-lookin', pickle-puss, babblin' ape!
- Miss Joan Martin: [Speaking of Wallingham] He bothers you, doesn't he?
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Yeah, like a crumb in a union suit!
- Miss Joan Martin: Well, it'll always bother you. Jimmy, he's got something you haven't.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: The only thing he's got that I want is you, and he took you away from me.
- 'Jimmy' Corrigan: Now look, you guys get your expenses and 15 smacks a week - and 10 percent of anything you turn up, if it goes through. Fair enough?