Pat O'Brien credited as playing...
Rush Blake
- Rush Blake: Baby, if you could only sing. Say, there's an idea: a singing cigarette girl. Oh, I can hear the music comin' over the air now. Soft and soothing. You know, I'd like to give you to all America - and seven Canadian stations!
- Cigarette Girl: You giving anything would be a new idea.
- Rush Blake: You know, Mr. Walcott, in a hotel, it's personality that counts. You can have 300 rooms and 300 baths; but, if you don't put your personality into 'em, where are you? If I've said it once, I've said it a 100 times: east, west, home is best. And that's what you've got here, Mr. Walcott.
- Rush Blake: Say, listen, I'm headin' for New York - where there's a pot of gold and milk and honey waitin' for me.
- Rush Blake: How would like to go to New York?
- Buddy Clayton: How would you like a nice ham sandwich?
- Rush Blake: Ah, no, now I'm serious.
- Buddy Clayton: So am I!
- Rush Blake: Sit down a minute, will ya?
- Buddy Clayton: I'm not allowed to sit with a customer.
- Rush Blake: I'm not a customer! I'm a prophet from the promised land.
- Buddy Clayton: Shhh! I'll keep your secret.
- Rush Blake: Sit down a minute, will ya? Listen, I got a perfect honey of an idea. It came to me when I heard you sing.
- Buddy Clayton: Don't blame me for that!
- Buddy Clayton: You sound like you've been reading a dime novel.
- Rush Blake: Boy, don't think of dimes, think in millions! A million dollars waiting for you with your name on it. And you only need me to get it for you.
- Buddy Clayton: Oh, I need somebody to get it for me.
- Rush Blake: Well, here you are buddy, castle of dreams! A little different from that daffy honky tonk in Hollywood, isn't it?
- Mr. Sharpe's Secretary: Mr. Sharpe will see you now.
- Rush Blake: Bright eyes, he'll not only see me, he'll kiss me.
- Rush Blake: Here I bring you an absolute, definite novelty - even after you fire me. And just to show you my loyalty, I pay my own railroad fare to get here. Now, I ask you Mr. Sharpe, is that gratitude? Is that gratitude!
- Chester A. Sharpe: I don't give a whoop whether it's gratitude or pineapples!
- Pete: How'd you do on the coast, Rush?
- Rush Blake: Colossal, colossal! Say listen, I could of managed any of 'em. Cagney, Robinson, Blondell - they all wanted me! A lot of dough in the movie racket. Aw, but radio is my first love.
- Rush Blake: All right, Mr. Sharpe, I can see you're nothing but a high bound reactionary. You're a die hard, Mr. Sharpe. You're losing your grip. I'm going right over and sell him to television.
- Rush Blake: Peg, how you fixed for dough?
- Peggy Cornell: I've still got a little.
- Rush Blake: Can you spare a fin?
- Peggy Cornell: Sure.
- Rush Blake: You haven't got five ones, have ya?
- Rush Blake: Say listen, kid, every dame in the country will go overboard when you turn on that golden throat.
- Buddy Clayton: And seven Canadian stations.
- Rush Blake: Yeah and seven Canadian stations.
- Rush Blake: [after a shower, draped in a towel] Let's get goin' boys.
- Pete: Hey! Where are you goin'? To a nudist picnic?
- Rush Blake: Oh, grab a cab. I'll be right with you.
- Rush Blake: This doesn't call for a lawyer. It calls for a doctor and here I am, Dr. Blake, ready to cure your romantic moments.
- Herbert Brokman: Yeah, I had experts trying to cure my romantic moments.
- Rush Blake: Say, I've got just the boy for this...
- Herbert Brokman: Boy? What boy? I don't want boys!
- Rush Blake: This is all wrong, you've got a woman on this program. You can't have a woman sell soap to women. You need a man for that. Did you ever hear of a Fuller Brush woman?
- Herbert Brokman: Always something to worry about!
- Rush Blake: Ah, what's the beef now?
- Herbert Brokman: This is a pretty fettle of kish, kettle of fish. Three million women dream about him every night and he wants to marry one girl.
- Rush Blake: What about it? He can't marry the whole three million of 'em.
- Buddy Clayton: I can't do anything about it until I talk it over with Peggy.
- Rush Blake: Well, that's fine. Talk it over with Peggy. She'll understand. She's a great guy!