Sid Silvers credited as playing...
- Bert Keeler: Well of all the dumb guys...
- Snoop: Don't worry about Corbett, she won't tip the gag, she said so.
- Bert Keeler: Just the same I gotta find out who this Arlette dame is that Gordon's got signed up.
- Snoop: Well whadda ya want me to do?
- Bert Keeler: Go down to the ocean and pull a wave over your head!
- Bert Keeler: He wants to get in Gordon's show.
- Snoop: Yeah, what do you do?
- The Snorer: I snore.
- Snoop: Oh, you're part of the audience.
- Kitty Corbett: Promise me!
- Snoop: Well, I will if you'll have dinner with me tonight.
- Kitty Corbett: I'll do it just for meanness.
- Bert Keeler: All right, Mademoiselle, relax.
- Snoop: [in drag] Hey, when can I get out of this harness? My feet hurt.
- Bert Keeler: You look about as effeminate as Wallace Beery. Now, look Snoop, all you have to do is sit here all day and answer the phone. Now, can you talk like a dame?
- Snoop: I can try.
- Bert Keeler: Let's hear it.
- Snoop: Buy me a Rolls Royce, Daddy.
- Bert Keeler: Well, you're thinking like one anyway. But, you got to get your voice higher. Higher! Way up! Look, Snoop, if there's any soprano in you, this is the time to bring it out. Now, try it again.
- Snoop: Buy me - Buy me a Rolls Royce - I can't!
- Bert Keeler: Then, we're stuck. Say, maybe you better be a man.
- Snoop: What do you mean maybe?
- Snoop: And everybody in town thinks you're a heel, but I don't anymore.
- Bert Keeler: Well, thanks, Snoop, I...
- [offended glance at Snoop when he realizes what he's just said]