Clark Gable credited as playing...
Alan Gaskell
- Alan Gaskell: [trying to open a door] Who's in there?
- China Doll: It's China Doll, the gal that drives men mad.
- Alan Gaskell: What the devil are you doing aboard?
- China Doll: Nothing laddie. Just showering dewdrops off the body beautiful.
- Alan Gaskell: I'll be over as soon as I get through. Anything you want?
- China Doll: Anything I... ? Toots, I got everything.
- Alan Gaskell: [to chief officer] It's bad enough to have a ship that looks like this and a captain who looks like me without having a chief officer who looks like you.
- Alan Gaskell: Now wait a minute, Dolly. You and I are friends. We've had a lot of fun together and as far as I'm concerned, you're a number one girl in the archipelago. But, I don't remember making any vows to you, nor do I recall asking for any.
- China Doll: Don't you get polite at me! When you start talkin' with your high hat on I - I know you mean it and - and it scares me. Say, who do you think you are anyway? If I had a nickels worth of pride, I'd...
- Alan Gaskell: If that 's the way you feel about it, I'm not standing in your way.
- China Doll: That's just the soup I'm in, I don't feel that way at all. You - you dog!
- [Smiles and give Gaskell a kiss]
- Alan Gaskell: Now, that's more like it.
- Alan Gaskell: Did you ever see an English river, Dolly?
- China Doll: No, I'm dumb with geography, just like I am with everything else.
- Alan Gaskell: Well, it's cool and clear and clean. Put a stream like that alongside any river out here - dirty, yellow, muddy - you'll see the difference.
- Sir Guy: [the police superintendent has just taken Dolly to court] What about a nip to cool that aching brow ?
- Alan Gaskell: No, no, fix one for yourself. I gotta get around to court. Somebody'll have to protect that judge.
- China Doll: Well, I-I understand congratulations are in order. I'd like to be the first to wish you the best. You'll need it.
- Alan Gaskell: Someday you'll say something nice and never forgive yourself.
- Alan Gaskell: What have you got in your mouth?
- Dawson: Chewing tobacco, sir.
- Alan Gaskell: It's bad enough to have a ship that looks like this and a Captain that looks like me, without having a Chief Officer who looks like you!
- Alan Gaskell: How many hours do we have to spend saying goodbye to each other, before it takes?
- China Doll: That's just the trouble, toots, it took too good! Gee, you were sweet to me.
- Alan Gaskell: All right, come on now, this is it, go ashore
- China Doll: But, lookie, what am I gonna do with my ticket? It's all paid for and everything.
- Alan Gaskell: I knew you had something up your sleeve. All right, come on, we'll get your money back.
- China Doll: No, but I got a job in Singapore and honestly I...
- Alan Gaskell: Oh, yes, yes, I know, I suppose they've elected you mayor!
- China Doll: No, but, it's on the level, toots, Hoffman sent me a contract for the rest of the season.
- China Doll: All right, toots, you - you win. I hope you have a good trip. Goodbye.
- Alan Gaskell: [after China Doll gives him a nice, long kiss] All right. All right. If you've got your ticket and a job, I don't suppose I can...
- China Doll: [jumping into Gaskell's arms after the exclamation] Blimey!
- Alan Gaskell: So, you just came down to say goodbye? You brought enough of your cigarettes to last a voyage to New York.
- China Doll: Well, I'll smoke a lot more cigarettes than that, toots, before we ever really say goodbye.
- Alan Gaskell: They got big feet for Sing-Song Girls, don't they?
- Jamesy MacArdle: Well, they, they don't bandage the feet nowadays. These are enlightened days.
- Alan Gaskell: Those feet are big even for enlightened days.
- China Doll: Okay, toots. I know you ain't got much time to fool around with passengers.
- Alan Gaskell: It's your own fault. You wanted to be one.
- China Doll: Except, maybe, that English dame?
- Alan Gaskell: You're becoming very observant.
- China Doll: I saw her when she came aboard. She looked like she was smellin' a dead fish or somethin'.
- China Doll: How's it, toots? Well, come on and play dumb it you want. I just came in to tell you, I'm not gonna come around and pester you anymore. Look, I'm takin' all my cigarettes. You know, its moonlight outside. Gee, it's pretty. Ain't it funny we always fight when its moonlight and make up when its rainin'? Its about time for the rainy season, ain't it, toots? Aw, come on out of the trenches. I'm not gonna throw any bombs. I'm harmless.
- Alan Gaskell: Yes, of course, you're as harmless as a revolutionary.
- China Doll: Well, anyway, it won't be so lonely while Jamesy is aboard.
- Alan Gaskell: I hate to hear you talk like that Dolly.
- China Doll: Well, a gal's got to do the best she can with what's around.
- Alan Gaskell: You owe yourself more than that.
- China Doll: The trouble is boyfriend, there ain't any male Mrs. Barclays. So charming. So refined.
- Alan Gaskell: Well, the real trouble is, there aren't enough female Mrs. Barclays.
- China Doll: Look, toots, I, ah, gee, I don't blame you for bein' sore. I know I've done a lot of stupid gabbing. But, this is on the level. I wish you all the luck. And that's one baby you'll never have to be ashamed of. She's a real McCoy and she'll make a - a marvelous wife for ya.
- Alan Gaskell: I wish you meant that.
- Alan Gaskell: Now, let's quit good friends instead of like a couple of cab drivers after a drunken brawl.
- China Doll: Yeah, I guess that's the way it ought to be done. But, I ain't been brought up to do the right thing, like that English dame. All I can say is what's down inside of me. And I don't care how long you been carryin' the torch for her - you can't quit me any more than I can quit you! And you can kiss a stack of cookbooks on that!