Lionel Atwill credited as playing...
Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: As the devil would have it, I was in town one day with nothing to do and joined some fool committee or other that was investigating labor conditions in a cigarette factory. I'd heard there were some pretty girls there.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I don't believe that destinies are controlled by a throw of dice, but it couldn't have been merely a succession of accidents.
- Concha Perez: Good morning! Good morning. Good morning! Good morning! I came to see if you were dead. If you had loved me enough, you would have killed yourself last night.
- [She takes a sip of chocolate]
- Concha Perez: Bad. Not made properly. I can make much better chocolate.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Want another beating? Haven't you had enough? I'm through with you. Why did you come here?
- Concha Perez: Poor Pasqual. You haven't much faith in me, have you?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I haven't much faith in anything.
- Concha Perez: But I love you, Pasqual. Look at me. Look at me! Look, Pasqualito, I'm black and blue.
- Concha Perez: You forced this on him, Pasqual. This is murder. Listen to me, Pasqualito. You never loved me, or you couldn't do this.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: You know very well that I loved you.
- Concha Perez: You've always mistaken your vanity for love. Make your final mistake. Go and kill the only man I've ever cared for!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Antonio!
- Antonio Galvan: Pasqual! What luck! How wonderful to see you again.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: You young idiot. What if you're recognized? Turn around. Sit down. Turn your back. What on earth ever tempted you to leave Paris?
- Antonio Galvan: I'm on my way back there now. I came to see my parents.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: But there's a price on your head. Don't you know we have a new governor who eats Republicans for breakfast?
- Antonio Galvan: I'll risk it until the carnival's over. But how are you, Pasqual? Let me look at you. You've changed. Have you been ill?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: My health has been excellent.
- Antonio Galvan: I hardly knew you without your uniform. I suppose it's another one of your famous adventures. Captain Pasqual Costelar in search of a new beauty.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I've left the army, resigned my commission. As for the ladies, my friend, for three years I haven't even looked at a woman. But enough of my affairs. What of yours? Why don't you leave while you can with safety?
- Antonio Galvan: Leave? I have an appointment this evening with the most beautiful creature I've ever seen.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: The advice may sound strange coming from me. I can't ask you to ignore the gentler sex. Had I to live my life over again, I'd probably do the same foolish things once more. But be careful, Antonio.
- Antonio Galvan: The boys in the club would laugh their heads off if they heard you were offering moral advice to the young. But while you're on the subject of advice, do you happen to know a goddess in this town by the name of Concha Perez?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: The name is not unfamiliar to me. She lives at the end of the Plaza del Triunto, doesn't she?
- Antonio Galvan: Yes. Anything wrong with her?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Do you mean to tell me you don't know who Concha is? Concha, the singer, the toast of Spain?
- Antonio Galvan: Is she the toast of Spain? Well, I'm in luck. For the last five years, I've known nothing but jail, exile, and manifestos. Apparently you don't like her, do you?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: She's the most dangerous woman you'll ever meet.
- Antonio Galvan: You must be mad to talk like that. What's she done to you?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: It's no pleasure for me to talk about the past. But...
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Porter!
- Concha Perez: I don't want a porter.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: How about an address, Concha, where I can write to you? Perhaps I can find time to visit you someday.
- Concha Perez: What do you take me for?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Come on now, stop this nonsense. Where can I get in touch with you?
- Concha Perez: Mother says no flies enter a closed mouth.
- [She gives him a peck on the lips and leaves]
- Concha Perez: The captain has an eye for the ladies, hasn't he?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well, of all people. How did you get here, Concha?
- Concha Perez: The Lord knows. I don't remember.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well, I never expected to find you in a place like this. I suppose you must make quite a lot of money here.
- Concha Perez: Ha! If I work all week, I make enough money to bring some flowers to my mother on Sunday.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Living with your mother?
- Concha Perez: Who did you think I was living with?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: [He gives her a coin] Do you know what that is, Concha?
- Concha Perez: [She bites the coin, then places it in her blouse] Oh yes, that's gold. And it's more than I earn in a year.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: It's yours if you'll sell me one of those cigarettes you roll with your... pretty hands.
- Concha Perez: Better take two, in case you should become impatient.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Impatient? Why should I be impatient?
- Concha Perez: Because I want you to wait for me outside.
- Concha Perez: Here we are.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Hmm. Quite a climb. How does your mother get up here?
- Concha Perez: Oh, Mother can climb anything.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Hmm.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: What is the exact relationship of this gentleman?
- Senora Perez: Your Excellency. A cousin.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: You, Concha?
- Concha Perez: Were you expecting someone else?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Come in.
- Concha Perez: I thought I'd stop by to see if you were in. Since you didn't care to look for me, it's I who look for you.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I haven't slept a wink since you left me. Why did you run away like that? Where the devil did you go to? Why did you send me that stupid letter?
- Concha Perez: I was angry because you had given us so much money.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I only wanted to help you.
- Concha Perez: I thought it would spoil our friendship.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Our friendship!
- Concha Perez: But now that all the money is gone and nothing is left but -
- [she sighs]
- Concha Perez: my affections for you, I can no longer live without seeing you!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Oh, Concha, why did you stay away so long?
- Concha Perez: What if someone saw me come in? My name would be ruined. It was foolish of me to come here.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: No, it wasn't. It was wonderful, Concha. I've been thinking things over for some time now, and I'll be happy to make you my wife. Then no one could ever speak ill of you.
- Concha Perez: But no one speaks ill of me now.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Did you hear what I said, Concha? I just offered to marry you, to give you the honor and protection that go with my name.
- Concha Perez: Ha! That's exactly what I told Mother. The moment I came here, you'd become serious. I didn't want to come here, only she needs money so badly.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well, at least you're honest, Concha, even if you don't love me.
- Concha Perez: But I do love you! Don't read now. And I told Mother I wouldn't accept any money from you.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: How much does she want?
- Concha Perez: She has many debts. She needs a lot.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well, money means little to me, Concha. Of course, I'll help you.
- Concha Perez: You're not helping me. If you want to help my mother, that's your affair. She's waiting outside. You can discuss money with her, just as you did before. Mother!
- Concha Perez: Arturo, a cup of coffee.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: My emotions seem to make little impression on you. Aren't you afraid of anything, Concha? Have you no fear of death?
- Concha Perez: No, not today. I feel too happy. Why do you ask? Are you going to kill me?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: You play with me as if I were a fool. What I gave gladly, you took like a thief.
- Concha Perez: I thought you would be glad to see me. I'm sorry I sat down.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Don't go. Please, don't go. I've looked for you so long. I've... missed you. I don't want to offend you. Perhaps I'm a bit... nervous. Don't go. Please.
- Concha Perez: [the waiter enters] Coffee. Did I order coffee, Pasqualito?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: The lady said... champagne.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: All that night I walked the streets in a fever. I cursed myself, called myself coward. I burned with shame at the despicable role I played. I told myself there were only two ways out - either to leave her or kill her. I chose a third.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I love you, Concha. Life without you means nothing.
- Concha Perez: [Looking in a mirror as she licks her fingers to fix her hair and eyebrows] One moment, and I'll give you a kiss.
- Concha Perez: Have you had anything to eat today?
- Morenito: What time is it?
- Concha Perez: What time is it, Pasqual?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: About nine o'clock.
- Concha Perez: Nine o'clock and no food. It's easy to see why bullfighters don't live long.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Perhaps there are other reasons for their untimely deaths.
- Concha Perez: Oh, no. A jealous man is no more dangerous than a blind bull.
- [She takes money out of Pasqual's pocket]
- Concha Perez: Here, darling. Buy yourself something to eat.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well, what have you to say? Invent something. Defend yourself. Lie some more! You lie so well!
- Concha Perez: First, I want to know what you mean by breaking in here like an assassin and causing this utterly ridiculous scene!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: You've gone too far. You're not going to play with me anymore.
- Concha Perez: Ha! This is superb! He threatens me! What right have you to tell me what to do? Are you my father? No! Are you my husband? No! Are you my -
- [thunderclap]
- Concha Perez: Well, I must say you are content with very little.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Am I?
- [She screams. There are sounds of slapping or spanking]
- Senora Perez: Oh! Oh, and plenty of garlic. Is it paid for?
- Concha Perez: And sausage, Mother. Try it. And look, Mama. Gold.
- Senora Perez: How did you earn all that, Concha?
- Concha Perez: I, earn anything? Don't be foolish, Mother.
- Senora Perez: Your Excellency, if my poor husband were alive - he has been in the enjoyment of God for the past fifteen years - he'd have beaten her black and blue. But don't be deceived by her language. My daughter is a good girl. Oh, we could be rich, my daughter and I. Oh, we could have mules and necklaces, and live in the country. But wickedness has never spent a night here. How I worry when I see my daughter leave in the morning.
- Concha Perez: How can you say that, Mother, when you sleep all day?
- Senora Perez: There. You see what bad examples these factory girls are? Oh, the ugly words she must hear. If my daughter had listened to them, she would have gone wrong long ago. What makes young girls go wrong, Your Excellency, is the advice of women, not the eyes of men.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: There's a cure for all ills, señora.
- Senora Perez: [Accepting coins] Your Highness, how can I thank you?
- Concha Perez: I'll take care of that, Mama. I'll thank him. You don't need to bother.
- Senora Perez: Uh, I see. This will be enough for the rent. And this the - the water. And this...
- Senora Perez: The baker.
- Senora Perez: The baker, and the, uh - the doctor. But I'm afraid there'll hardly be enough to keep Concha out of the factory.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: I understand.
- [He withdraws a billfold, pulls out currency, considers, and hands over the larger portion]
- Senora Perez: Here, here, here! And the landlord thought that he was going to throw us out!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Will you be content now, Concha?
- Concha Perez: Of course, Pasqualito! Come, give me a kiss. Be careful! You'll muss up my hair.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: It's easy to see who runs this shop. When the time comes for a sweetheart to offer himself, he'll have to talk to you and not to your mother.
- Concha Perez: You don't happen to know of anyone?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Let me see now. No, I don't think so.
- Concha Perez: Oh, you think too much.
- [She sits on his lap]
- Concha Perez: You know of nobody at all? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
- [She kisses him passionately, then pulls away]
- Concha Perez: Let me go! Don't you touch me or I'll call for help!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Are you mad, Concha? I came here as a friend. Suddenly you throw yourself into my arms, and now you accuse me.
- Concha Perez: I kissed you because I love you... for a minute. But I won't let you kiss me without loving me.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: So you don't think I love you, my child?
- Concha Perez: No. I please you. I amuse you. But I am not the only one, am I?
- [She stamps her foot]
- Concha Perez: Answer me, Pasqualito!
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: Well...
- Concha Perez: I want to know. Am I or am I not?
- Senora Perez: What happened, my child?
- Concha Perez: Give a man a finger and he bites off the whole hand!
- Senora Perez: Well, I'll go and get dinner ready.
- Concha Perez: Pascual, this is Morenito, the bullfighter.
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: [sarcastically] It's an extraordinary pleasure.
- Concha Perez: Have you ever seen him fight?
- Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar: No, but I've read the reviews.
- Concha Perez: Critics don't value genius. He's such a baby! Some day all Spain will know his name.