Sonnie Hale credited as playing...
- Victor: [to 'Bill', about Princess Mironoff] She doesn't know you. Smile!
- [Bill smiles awkwardly at the Princess, Victor does so with broad masculine appreciation]
- Victor: [aside] Not like *that*. A he-man smile; she's beautiful!
- [Bill catches sight of the handsome Robert and her smile widens]
- Victor: [acidly] I said the Princess, not the Prince...
- Victor: [He leans towards her as they sit on the bed] You've given me an idea.
- Elizabeth: [nervously] Have I?
- Victor: [leans closer] You can do something for me.
- Elizabeth: [looking apprehensive] Can I?
- Victor: [eagerly] Take off those pyjamas.
- Elizabeth: [appalled] *What*?
- Victor: Put this on!
- [he produces a slinky dress and high-heeled boots and sits down with his back turned]
- Victor: Now I tell you what we'll do...
- Elizabeth: [affronted] Thanks very much!
- Victor: You want to be an actress, don't you? You want a chance to show what you can do...
- [her eyes begin to shine as she finally understands]
- Victor:'ve got it. You're going to take my place at Cruft's Music Hall tonight!
- Elizabeth: I'm not going. I can't do it.
- Victor: Do what?
- Elizabeth: I can't be a man all my life!
- Victor: But you'll have time off. And you can knit and knit to your heart's content...
- Elizabeth: But think what you're asking me!
- Victor: [gazes upward as he quotes] "There's a tide in the affairs of men" -
- [descending temporarily to earth]
- Victor: - and women - "if taken at the flood, leads on to fortune..."
- Elizabeth: Tides go out - don't they?
- Victor: This'll be a spring one!
- [Takes her by the shoulders]
- Victor: We'll carry everything before us. I'll never leave you - and I'll never let you down.
- [They shake hands on it as a smile spreads from her face to his]