Spencer Tracy credited as playing...
Steve Grey
- Steve Grey: Hi, Mary.
- Mary Shannon: Oh, Steve. We were beginning to think you'd gone to the South Pole with Byrd.
- Steve Grey: No, I couldn't get reservations. You still love me as much as ever?
- Mary Shannon: Oh, I'm crazy about you.
- Steve Grey: Well, you better be because I'm dappy about you. You know that, don't you?
- Mary Shannon: Yeah. I know you're dappy alright, but not about me. Where were you last night?
- Steve Grey: I went for a long ride.
- [sighs]
- Steve Grey: May I have a little of your coffee?
- Mary Shannon: If you don't mind drinking out of my cup.
- Steve Grey: I prefer it.
- Policeman: Hey! What's he doin' here?
- Merry-Go-Round Operator: Sleeping. He staggered in here about 12 o'clock last night. Bought a whole roll of tickets and told me not to disturb him. I don't know who he is.
- Policeman: I do. Hey, Grey. Wake up. Wake up!
- Steve Grey: Ah. Hm...
- Policeman: The whole force is lookin' for you.
- Steve Grey: Ah. Where's the rest of them?
- Policeman: Your boss wants ya. Some big racketeer named Halford was murdered last night.
- Steve Grey: [groaning] So, that's it, huh? Alright. Oh. Thanks. Here.
- [Hands tickets to policeman]
- Steve Grey: Take a ride for yourself.
- Merry-Go-Round Operator: Who is he?
- Policeman: Steve Grey. He writes all the murders for "The Daily Star."
- Merry-Go-Round Operator: The one they call The Murder Man?
- Policeman: Yeah, that's him.
- Merry-Go-Round Operator: Oh.