Herman Brix was an athlete in track and field, he won a silver medal in the Olympics and was breaking into films. This was his first real break, produced by Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs himself, this film goes to the books for inspiration. Although, to the best of my knowledge, it is an original story, the Tarzan character is clearly the intelligent aristocrat of the books, who lives at a manor in England, but returns to the jungles when needed. He speaks in complete sentences, and interacts with other characters on an intellectual level. His chimp sidekick is even named from the books, Nkima. Not short on action, this serial has suspense and drama to satisfy the serial and Tarzan fans quite well. We see that Brix is in perfect shape for the role, and we get to see enough flexed muscles and six-pack abs to prove it. Of all the early Tarzans, Brix has one of the most perfect and realistic builds. His yell is quite interesting, I can't describe it other than as a man who stubbed his toe, and is trying to stifle an obscenity. Certainly worth watching, and full of exotic scenery (shot on location in Guatemala), get this on DVD and have a good time. ***/****