- Opening Subtitle: PARTY WIRE - means in America one telephone line shared by several subscribers in the same locality for economy's sake. It has however the disadvantage that it enables the various parties to *listen-in* to one another's conversation.
- Deborah: My, ain't it wonderful - these telegrams - how fast news can travel.
- Nettie Putnam: Telephone's good too.
- Will Oliver: There are only two things that can make people hurry in this town. One is something for nothing and the other is a run on the bank.
- Matthew Putnam: Don't tell me you brought me all the way back from Europe just to give me a balling out?
- Nettie Putnam: You've had your education, your fling, and your foolishness. Now it's time to settle down.
- Bert West: Would you like a drink of imported scotch?
- Matthew Putnam: Where's it imported from?
- Bert West: Waysville! That's the nearest thing to Paris in these parts. You and me could have a swell time in Waysville.
- Matthew Putnam: You're not Marge Oliver?
- Marge Oliver: I am!
- Matthew Putnam: What? That funny, homely little freckled face kid?
- Marge Oliver: You weren't so good looking yourself.
- Will Oliver: Hello, Irene. What are you all primped up for? I guess all the girls will be primpin' up now that you're back, Matt.
- Will Oliver: Tea? I got somethin' better than tea.
- [pulls out a jug of moonshine]
- Will Oliver: Tea's only good for old women.
- Marge Oliver: You shouldn't take him so seriously.
- Roy Daniels: Well, he talks too much!
- Marge Oliver: Touchy. Only small-minded people take offense of everything.
- Will Oliver: A man don't need much more than a - roof over his head and peace and quiet and a good pipe.
- Clara West: Oh, well. Will Oliver is full of applejack, anyway. He makes his own. It's no good. It's synthetic! I don't mind synthetic gin, but, when it comes to applejack. *That* has to be made properly.
- Nettie Putnam: How did you enjoy your trip up to Willow Creek.
- Matthew Putnam: How'd you know about that?
- Nettie Putnam: A little bird told me. He told me you were holding hands too.
- Matthew Putnam: Your little bird exaggerates. I haven't got that far yet.
- Nettie Putnam: I want to warn you, Matthew. Be careful. Gossip in a village like this travels like a prairie fire.
- Nettie Putnam: Come back and have dinner with me.
- Matthew Putnam: I will if you promise not to try any of your magic on that apple pie Deborah's baking.
- Nettie Putnam: It's a cherry pie!
- Matthew Putnam: An apple pie.
- Nettie Putnam: I told her to bake a cherry pie!
- Matthew Putnam: And I told her to bake an apple pie!
- Nettie Putnam: It's a cherry pie!
- Matthew Putnam: It's an apple pie!
- Nettie Putnam: Cherry!
- Matthew Putnam: Apple.
- Mathilda Sherman: There's something doing over at Will Oliver's house. Old Will's been pacing the floor madder than a hornet.
- Mathilda Sherman: And her going around looking so *pure* and innocent. You'd think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
- Clara West: Well, you know the old saying, "Still waters run deep."
- Mathilda Sherman: You're going to do as I say or I'll make you wish you never married me!
- Thomas Sherman: [mumbles]
- Mathilda Sherman: What'd you say?
- Thomas Sherman: I didn't say it!
- Marge Oliver: You needn't feel sorry for me. I'll get along all right. You're the one who needs the sympathy, Mr. Sherman. You don't even dare to call your soul your own.
- Thomas Sherman: What do you mean?
- Marge Oliver: Don't worry. Christmas is coming. Maybe your wife will give you a dog collar.
- Will Oliver: You can't keep me quiet! I've been stung by a bee here today. But, I'm not gonna let my daughter be stung by a lot of female hornets!
- Will Oliver: Mrs. Sherman's trying to put over something shady.
- Marge Oliver: Keep still, Dad.
- Will Oliver: I won't keep still! What right has that old hen got to make a lot of rules of her own?
- Matthew Putnam: I've been away from Rockridge so long I've forgotten just how small a small town can be.
- Nettie Putnam: You've caught me, Matthew. Are you shocked?
- Matthew Putnam: Well, listening in on a party wire isn't a very edifying way of passing your time.
- Nettie Putnam: You'd be surprised at what I hear, even about the best people. There's a juicy scandal brewing right now concerning you.
- Matthew Putnam: Look here, Aunt Nettie, if you get pleasure out of picking up gossip over the telephone, you go right ahead; but, don't bother me with it.
- Matthew Putnam: I'm gonna wrap this town up in a paper bag and give it to my wife for a wedding present. And if she wants to, she can put a match to it!
- Nettie Putnam: Deborah, get me some clothes.
- Deborah: Clothes, Miss Nettie? What kind of clothes?
- Nettie Putnam: Just clothes, you idiot! A dress, petticoat, shoes, stockings, hat, gloves! Never mind the gloves.
- Deborah: What do you want clothes for?
- Nettie Putnam: Cause I can't go down to the meeting in my nightgown! Can I?
- Deborah: You can't go out. Why, you haven't been out of your bed in 15 years.
- Nettie Putnam: I may not be out in another 15 years. But, tonight's my night to howl! Get me some clothes!
- Nettie Putnam: Let's look facts in the face! This never would have happened if we didn't have a lot of women with nothing better to do than glue their ears to a telephone!
- Nettie Putnam: And now we come to the village Casanova - or, as he calls himself, a local hot potato, Bert West. Bert's asked every woman under 50 to drive over to Waysville with him. And I can name every one of the young ladies - and some not-so-young - who've taken a little trip with him.
- Nettie Putnam: I'm tired, Matthew and I'm old. It's your turn now. After all, it is your business!
- Matthew Putnam: I'll tell ya what, we'll give the dairy business back to the Indians. You and I'll get in a boat and take a trip around the world.
- Nettie Putnam: Oh, no we won't.
- Matthew Putnam: Oh, yes we will.
- Nettie Putnam: Oh, *no* we won't.
- Matthew Putnam: Oh, yes we will.
- Nettie Putnam: Oh, no we won't.
- Matthew Putnam: Oh, yes...