George Murphy credited as playing...
Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: You don't want to get tied up with a ham reporter like me. Why, you're a pretty kid. You got a great future. Me? I'm a drunk. I pitch pennies. Eat crackers. I bet. I never take a bath! I'm no lover. You don't want any part of me. I'm just a - just a onion.
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: A fella like me works with his nerves, his heart. I should give 'em to some dame to kick 'em around? No-no. I'm goin' places and no woman is gonna hold me back. Yes, sir, dames are poison.
- Cassie Nicholls: I guess I'll look for a job. The Depression doesn't mean nothing to the beauty business. Women will have their hair done, even if they can't have a steak done. It's a joke.
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: Ha-ha-ha.
- Cassie Nicholls: Yes, they're really goofy on the subject. And, its not such a bad idea. No use going around looking like an old shoe.
- Cassie Nicholls: Look, I've got the greatest newspaper story in 20 years.
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: Oh, jumpin' ship isn't copy, toots.
- Cassie Nicholls: It's not about me. It's got something to do with...
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: End the verse and get to the chorus. I haven't got all day.
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: Out of 120 million Americans, you had to pick me. Lady, from a field that big, that is some picking.
- Cassie Nicholls: It's worth plenty; but, I might give it to you if you do me a little favor.
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: Sure, lady, I'll do anything you say. Name your poison.
- Cassie Nicholls: Will you marry me?
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: Will I? Not while I'm in my right mind and fully dressed. Well, of all the - do you a little favor?
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: If you had that, my little gardenia, that would be a lollapalooza times two. Mind you I said: if.
- Cassie Nicholls: No if about it.
- Cassie Nicholls: Oh, don't you understand anything?
- Edward Joseph 'Red' Foster: I understand everything!