Cary Grant credited as playing...
Danny Barr
- Danny Barr: [stopping Eve from telephoning] Wait a minute, will you, honey?
- [Eve smacks his hand from the phone]
- Danny Barr: Oh, how I wish you were a man!
- Eve Fallon: Same to you.
- Eve Fallon: Where are you going?
- Danny Barr: I don't know yet. I haven't made up my mind.
- Eve Fallon: Can I go with you?
- Danny Barr: Where?
- Eve Fallon: Where you're going.
- Danny Barr: Well, I just told ya. I don't know where I'm going.
- Eve Fallon: Well, when do you leave?
- Danny Barr: I don't know that either.
- Eve Fallon: Well, why can't you take me along?
- Danny Barr: Where?
- Eve Fallon: That's what I'm asking you.
- Danny Barr: I'm asking you that.
- Eve Fallon: Say, who's going - you or me?
- Danny Barr: Where?
- Eve Fallon: I don't know. I'm not going - you are.
- Danny Barr: Well look, what time is it?
- Eve Fallon: What time does your train leave?
- Danny Barr: How do you know I'm going by train? I might be going by boat.
- Eve Fallon: What kind of a boat?
- Danny Barr: I don't know. I haven't seen it yet.
- Benny Battle: [at the barber shop] Every time I turn around I see another bull.
- Benny Battle: [Danny emerges from under a towel in the next chair] Well, if it isn't Daniel Barr, the handsome dick.
- Danny Barr: Gettin' yourself dolled up?
- Danny Barr: Yeah, there's nuttin' like spendin' a half hour in a barber shop that makes a new man out of ya.
- Danny Barr: When did ya get out outta the can?
- Benny Battle: About an hour ago, thanks to the habby-us corpus.
- Danny Barr: Yeah, and that shyster lawyer of yours.
- Benny Battle: I wouldn't talk like that. Ya might get pinched for slander.
- Eve Fallon: Yeah, and don't carry any matches; they're liable to charge you with arson.
- Benny Battle: Hey, Chalkie, get me a pineapple soda. Get me a big lump of whipped cream on it, and a nice red cherry. How's it, babe?
- Danny Barr: How d'ya like that chair?
- Benny Battle: I like it, 'specially when I'm tired.
- Danny Barr: Well, there's one upstate looks just like it. Ya wouldn't care for that one would ya?
- Benny Battle: No thanks. I'm not that tired.
- Danny Barr: Why don't you listen to reason?
- Eve Fallon: I'm not in the listening mood. My ears are tired.