Humphrey Bogart credited as playing...
'Bugs' Fenner
- Lee Morgan: You're gonna take it away from Blake?
- 'Bugs' Fenner: Yeah.
- Lee Morgan: Go ahead and take it.
- [Bugs moves in for a long kiss and gets slapped by Lee]
- Lee Morgan: The numbers game.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: You don't trust me.
- Lee Morgan: I don't trust anybody.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: Neither do I. We ought to work fine together.
- Al Kruger: You've got him wrong, Nick.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: Yeah, well, he's still a cop to me.
- Al Kruger: Well, if it makes you happy, you keep right on thinking so.
- Al Kruger: Who threatened Bryant?
- 'Bugs' Fenner: I don't know. But, it's about time somebody told him to pipe down. He's been doing enough yelling in his papers without making those pictures.
- Al Kruger: Ah, he's just racing his motor.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: Yeah, well, he's racing it so loud the public's liable to wake up one of these days.
- Al Kruger: The public's been played for a sucker so long they'll never wake up.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: What's he talking about?
- Al Kruger: You know what he's talking about, you 10-cent thug!
- Lee Morgan: You don't seem very upset about it.
- 'Bugs' Fenner: There's no use crying if the dice happen to fall that way.