Warren William credited as playing...
Perry Mason
- Perry Mason: Tell me who's the real owner of this blackmail rag and maybe we can make a trade.
- Frank Locke, an alias of Cecil Dawson: Do you smoke it or take it in the arm? I'm the owner!
- Perry Mason: [Hanging up the phone perplexed, Perry sees the houseboy by the door] Muh lad, I'll have that glass of Scotch you offered.
- Filipino houseboy: [Initially puzzled, but he regains his wits] Scotch?... Oh, yes. Me too, sir.
- Leah Milnor: I want that article out of Spicy Bits, and I want it out NOW.
- Perry Mason: Will you put the gun down please?
- Leah Milnor: Have you never read Mc Nae's Guide? That article is malicious rubbish.