Rex Lease credited as playing...
Kit Cardigan • John C. Cardigan [Ch. 1]
- Buckskin: Sargent you heard the General's orders! Get your detail mounted immediately! And hurry!
- Sgt.-Maj. Flannigan: Who sir?
- Buckskin: You sir!
- Sgt.-Maj. Flannigan: Me sir?
- Buckskin: Yes sir!
- Kit Cardigan: Hey what is this?
- Buckskin: I gotta explain everything to him!
- Kit Cardigan: [Last lines] Well I have another surprise for you!
- Barbara Trent: What is it?
- Kit Cardigan: I just received my last orders!
- Barbara Trent: You mean you have your discharge?
- Kit Cardigan: That's it! Then we can hit the trail just as soon as we want too!
- Barbara Trent: I'm so glad!
- Buckskin: I just wondering?
- Kit Cardigan: What are you wondering about now?
- Buckskin: I just wondering if them's really...
- [pause]
- Buckskin: your last orders?