Robert Kent credited as playing...
Allen Drew
- Allen Drew: Cunning, aren't they? Especially that little one.
- Betty Loring: Wouldn't it be amusing to have them play at our wedding reception? We could dress them up, and... Allen, you're not listening.
- Allen Drew: What? Oh, our wedding. Yes, yes, of course.
- Betty Loring: Allen?
- Allen Drew: What?
- Betty Loring: Never mind.
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: Allen, maybe you can explain this.
- Allen Drew: Explain what, Aunt Caroline?
- Betty Loring: I want to break our engagement, Allen.
- Allen Drew: Oh.
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: Is that all you can say?
- Allen Drew: I'm sorry it had to happen this way, but I think Betty is right. It would be the best thing for both of us.
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: But why? I don't understand.
- Col. Jasper Loring: I'll tell you why. It's common gossip that Allen has become involved with an actress, that he spends most of his time with these low people of the theater! He's even talking about putting up money to produce a play for this creature!
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: Of all things, an actress! Allen, how could you? You know how I hate the theater and all it stands for.
- Allen Drew: I love her, and we're going to be married.
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: Married? Allen, you can't. I won't let you ruin your life!
- Allen Drew: My mind is made up, Aunt Caroline.
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: You're an ungrateful, disobedient, shameless boy, and as long as you live under this roof, I must insist that you observe my wishes.
- Allen Drew: In that case, I'll have to look for another place to stay.
- Allen Drew: You've done an excellent job.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Yes, and know I'll need ninety-five dollars for advertising.
- Allen Drew: As long as you're paying the bills, I think it'd save time if you handled all the money.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Oh.
- Allen Drew: Here it is, about eight hundred dollars. It's all the cash I have left and just enough to finance the rest of the production.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Uh, all right. You, uh, trust me with all this?
- Allen Drew: Yes, of course.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, thank you very much, Allen, for your faith in me. I'll, uh, handle this money just as though it were my own.
- Emery T. Hawkins: Mr. Drew, you told us he would pay us our money.
- Allen Drew: Yes, of course. Pay them, Professor.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, I, uh, I don't like their attitude, Allen. I've never heard of people doing business in this way.
- Allen Drew: Why argue? Pay them and get it over with.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, the truth is, I find myself a little short.
- Allen Drew: Short? How much?
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, around eight hundred dollars.
- Allen Drew: But that's all the money I gave you!
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: It wasn't my fault, Allen. I was cheated!
- Allen Drew: That's all the money I had! I was stupid enough to trust a scoundrel like you, you blundering old fool!
- Cleo Marsh: But I thought you had money, Allen.
- Allen Drew: I did. Enough, anyway. I guess I didn't take care of it very well.
- Cleo Marsh: Well, what are you going to do now?
- Allen Drew: I suppose I could get a job somewhere, and maybe save up enough money to do the show. That needn't change our plans about marriage any, Cleo. I don't suppose money is very important to people who are really in love.
- Cleo Marsh: You can say that because you've always had money.
- Allen Drew: Perhaps.
- Cleo Marsh: I'm afraid this changes everything.
- Allen Drew: Then you're not really in love with me.
- Allen Drew: Betty! This is the nicest surprise I've had.
- Betty Loring: I came to wish you good luck.
- Allen Drew: This is good luck, Betty. I didn't think you'd ever look at me again after the fool I made of myself.
- Betty Loring: I'm willing to forget all that, Allen, but Father never will. If he knew I'd come here, he'd be in a rage.
- Dimples: What's the matter?
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: Everything's all right, dear. I just want to have a talk with these gentlemen here for a few minutes.
- Policeman: Never mind that! He's under arrest for stealing a thousand dollars.
- Prof. Eustace Appleby: But I didn't take the money for myself. I took it to pay Allen back. Really.
- Policeman: Oh, come on!
- Dimples: You leave him alone! He didn't steal anything from you!
- Mrs. Caroline Drew: I'm sorry, darling, but you're better off without him.
- Allen Drew: You'd better hurry, Dimples. It's almost time for the last act.
- Dimples: No! I'm going to jail with the Professor!