Ernest Cossart credited as playing...
- Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.: Oh, Sidney, I'm so terribly broke.
- Sidney: But sir, isn't Mr. Billings going to help you?
- Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.: Sidney, he hasn't a nickel. He was lying to me just to make me feel better. We're both broke.
- Sidney: I wouldn't worry about that, sir. You've been broke before, sir.
- Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.: Yes, I know. I've always laughed about it. But I can't laugh anymore, Sidney, because I've been wrong. I've got nothing. Nothing to leave anyone.
- Sidney: Nothing, sir? You leave them the memories of the finest things ever done on the stage, sir. You'll leave them a name that they can be proud of all their lives. You'll soon feel better, and then you can do more beautiful things than ever before, sir.