A kitten is chasing a bee all around, eventually landing in Betty Boop's house and eating a bunch of candy. Betty is nearby playing the piano and singing. Her pet dog Pudgy is turning the pages of the music with his tail and bobbing his head to the tune.
After the song, they notice the little kitten on the table, lying upside down and ailing. Betty takes his temperature (puts an thermometer in the cat's mouth), then puts on ice bag on its head and a pillow underneath him. Pudgy is going along with it, but looks a little suspicious. However, he obeys when a tearful Betty gives him a note to take over to the drug store.
Meanwhile, the kitten's wakes up, notices her baby is missing and starts wailing, "Clarence, Clarence (or whatever he name is)!"
The humor in the cartoon doesn't appear until right after that point when the mom smells the catnip that Pudgy went and got at the store. The reaction of the mom, child and other cats as they all sniff the stuff is funny. These felines are stoned out of their minds on this catnip.
Overall, a cute but not that funny animated Betty Boop short.