John Wayne credited as playing...
John Clayborn
- [when John Clayborn serving court summons threatened with violence Hanks backs him up with a drawn gun - then they leave]
- John Clayborn: Thanks Hank
- [Hank fiddling with his revolver]
- Hank Mathews: I'm getting plum forgetful. I forgot to load the darn thing this morning.
- [John Clayborn looks shocked, then smiles as they walk off]
- [Ash confronts John Clayborn - throws law books at him]
- Ash - Henchman: That's what I think of you. You word slinging law pirate. You haven't got the backbone to come out here and make a living like a man. You're nothing but a yellow livered land shark and don't even carry a gun.
- John Clayborn: I don't need one.
- [John Clayborn knocks Ash down]
- [last words]
- Judge Dunlap: And do you John take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife.
- John Clayborn: I do.
- Josh Billings: [Josh puts hand up to his ear - interrupts] What's say?
- Judge Dunlap: [turning to Josh] I said "Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife"!
- Josh Billings: Not me, I'm ain't the marrying kind.
- [Josh points to John Clayborn]
- Josh Billings: There's your man.
- [everyone except Josh laughs]
- [comic relief Josh is mishearing words again]
- Hank Mathews: You one of them law fellows?
- John Clayborn: Yes.
- Hank Mathews: Well, me and Josh here have got a case for you.
- [Josh has got a cupped hand up to his ear]
- Josh Billings: Case! Case of what!
- Hank Mathews: [annoyed] Awww. Poison Oak!
- Josh Billings: Bar grease good for that.
- [comic relief Josh is mishearing words again]
- John Clayborn: Start sawing on that gate post. I see what I can do to drive them out a little.
- [John Clayborn leaves]
- Josh Billings: What'd he say?
- Hank Mathews: Start shooting at the gate post.
- Josh Billings: How high up?
- Hank Mathews: About's high as a rabbit.
- Josh Billings: What kind of rabbit?
- Hank Mathews: Jackrabbit.
- [Hank and Josh start shooting]