Cy Kendall credited as playing...
Alexander Stiles
- Alexander Stiles: Uh. Well that's alright. I'll buy them out fair and square.
- Brewster - Lawyer: What if he refuses to sell?
- Alexander Stiles: Brewster you learned your law from Blackstone. Ash learned his from Judge Colts. If Blackstone loses I'm counting on colts to win.
- Alexander Stiles: There she is boys. The only safe west of the Pecos.
- Pete - Henchman: Ain't she a beaut.
- Alexander Stiles: Hey, you see that. They call her a "Salamander" because she can go through the hottest fire and never melt.
- Ash - Henchman: Ain't got nothing on you Stiles. I never seen anything that made you melt either.
- [crowd laughs]
- Pete - Henchman: [Pete to Stiles] I says from now on your name will be "Salamander Stiles".
- [crowd cheers]
- [comic relief Josh is mishearing words]
- Alexander Stiles: Come into my office Mr. Jackson. I'll fix you up.
- Eli Jackson: Fine.
- Hank Mathews: [Hank to Josh] He'll fix him up all right. Like he fixed us.
- Josh Billings: [Josh putting cupped hand up to ear] What's he gonna fix?
- Hank Mathews: I'll tell you later.
- Josh Billings: Tell me what?
- Hank Mathews: Never mind.