When Mike and Sally go into the express office, Mike has the trace of a black eye that appears and disappears from shot to shot.
When Michael Anthony is riding a wagon with Sally Parker, he jumps off and is bare-headed. In the next shot, he is walking behind the wagon wearing a goofy hat. Then, in the next shot, he jumps back on the wagon without a hat.
When Sally and Michael are in the airplane, live shots of the takeoff show the landing gear retracted, but later model shots show the landing gear down. Then the crash landing shows the landing gear retracted again.
In the telegram sent early in the film the gallstones was written as gall stones.
When Barnabus Pells frees himself from being stuck on the closet hook, an extremely large hook is visible attached to the back of his coat.
When Sally and Michael are at the "London Metropolitan Airport", there are mountains visible in the background. These scenes actually were filmed at the airport in Van Nuys (VNY), known at the time as Metropolitan Airport, which is about 20 miles north of what now is Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
When Sally Parker is "disguised as a boy", Joan Crawford is wearing full female makeup, including the wide "Crawford mouth" lipstick she made popular. No one would believe this was a boy.
At the beginning, Mike takes the telephone from Barney and holds the handset upside down. He speaks into the receiver and holds the speaker with the cord extending from it up to his ear. (In fairness, this might have been done intentionally as a sight gag.)