Harold Lloyd credited as playing...
Burleigh 'Tiger' Sullivan
- Burleigh Sullivan: Mr. Sloan, what is color?
- Gabby Sloan: What's what?
- Burleigh Sullivan: Color. That stuff you was talkin' about on the radio. That I got!
- Gabby Sloan: That's what gets a guys name in the newspapers.
- Burleigh Sullivan: Like what, for instance?
- Gabby Sloan: Like what? What?
- Burleigh Sullivan: I mean like who, for instance.
- Gabby Sloan: It's what makes a man stand out from a crowd. It makes him talked about. Dizzy Dean's got it. Bobby Jones has got it. Amelia Earhart's got it.
- Burleigh Sullivan: And Mae West?
- Gabby Sloan: She's got it in a big way!
- Burleigh Sullivan: [Burleigh calling on the phone in Polly's apartment to get a doctor for his horse, Agnes] This is sure nice of you.
- Polly Pringle: That's all right.
- Burleigh Sullivan: [on the phone] Hello, hello? Is this Kinney? This is Burleigh. Something's happened to Agnes. Yeah. She's lying in the gutter.
- [Polly displays shock, as she doesn't know Agnes is a horse]
- Burleigh Sullivan: Uh, well, she won't get up. Her tongue's hangin' out a foot!
- [Polly even more shocked]
- Burleigh Sullivan: Thirsty? Oh, she couldn't be, she's had plenty to drink. What she's got's a bellyache. Yeah, you better get her an ambulance. Uh, this is 56, Lotus Apartments. Yes.
- [hangs up phone]
- Polly Pringle: You better bring the lady up here until...
- Burleigh Sullivan: Oh, but she's not a lady.
- Polly Pringle: I didn't think she was... but if she's sick it doesn't make a difference what kind of woman she is.
- Burleigh Sullivan: Oh, but Agnes- she's just an old horse.
- Polly Pringle: Oh, that's all.
- Burleigh Sullivan: Well, thank you very much. Uh, goodbye.
- [opens door and walks into a closet]
- Spider Schultz: [Spider comes up behind Burleigh, who's feeding sugar cubes to his milk delivery horse] Hey, you. The boss wants to see you, you're comin' with me.
- [pulls on Burleigh's arm]
- Burleigh Sullivan: No sir, I got work to do.
- Spider Schultz: [still pulling on Burleigh's arm] Come on.
- Burleigh Sullivan: Anyway, I'm not going up there again... anyway.
- Spider Schultz: What's that?
- Burleigh Sullivan: Once bitten, twice shy.
- Spider Schultz: Huh? Gimme that once again.
- Burleigh Sullivan: I don't chew my cabbage twice.
- [Burleigh starts to walk away but Spider slaps him on the shoulder and grabs his arm]
- Spider Schultz: So you startin' that again, huh?
- [the horse grabs the back of Spider's coat, swings him around and then shoves him]
- Spider Schultz: Hey!
- [Spider puts up his dukes]
- Spider Schultz: Two against one, huh? I'll show yuh.
- [goes after Burleigh]