Henry Fonda credited as playing...
Anthony Amberton • John Smith
- Anthony Amberton: [after jumping into Cherry's carriage to escape a horde of female autograph hounds] Don't you really know who I am?
- Cherry Chester: No. Just because you know who I am doesn't mean that I know who you are.
- Anthony Amberton: Well, I haven't any idea who you are.
- Cherry Chester: You mean you've never seen me before?
- Anthony Amberton: No. As a matter of fact, I'm sorry I haven't. You're rather attractive in an elementary sort of way.
- Cherry Chester: Can't you manage to be a little less personal?
- Anthony Amberton: I loathe women like that. Give me a simple, primitive woman with a small, high chest.
- Ogden Holbrook: Well, I'm only your publisher, but I'll see what I can do.
- Anthony Amberton: [Tipping the talkative train porter] We'll swap travelogues in the morning. In the meantime I don't wanna see a single soul. Have my dinner in here.
- Anthony Amberton: Give me the simple, primitive woman with a small, high chest! A woman of long silences, consuming in love, enduring in marriage.
- Anthony Amberton: How do you like New York?
- Cherry Chester: I loathe it. I loathe all cities.
- Anthony Amberton: Fine. That's two of us.
- Anthony Amberton: It's the musk in that perfume I can't stand. Once I was marooned in a plague-ridden African village. Ever since then, the smell of musk knocks me cold.
- Train stenographer: We've got another celebrity on board, Mr. Amberton - Cherry Chester.
- Anthony Amberton: Cherry Chester? Nobody's named Cherry Chester. What is Cherry Chester - some kind of new soft drink?
- Train stenographer: She's a motion picture star.
- Anthony Amberton: Never go to pictures. Marshmallow-faced movie stars make me sick.
- Anthony Amberton: But head hunters - they're out in force.
- Ogden Holbrook: Mmm. But Cherry Chester came in on this train too.
- Anthony Amberton: Who?
- Ogden Holbrook: Well, you know...
- Anthony Amberton: Oh, that movie marshmallow... Yeah, she probably lives on this sort of thing.
- Anthony Amberton: [Looking at his wrist] Somebody stole my watch.
- Cherry Chester: It's 27 minutes past three.
- Anthony Amberton: I'm late. I have to go.
- [He gets out of the carriage as it moves on, and leave the money she had given him thinking he was a poor thief out of work, and leaves a card of the lodgings he will be at in the mountains of New Hampshire]
- Anthony Amberton: When marriage comes in the door, love flies out the window. Marriage is the mortgage a woman holds on a man's future. There shouldn't be any future to have, or any past. Only the present, the glorious present.
- Cherry Chester: If only I could be alone on a mountain top, with the sunshine, with the stars.
- Anthony Amberton: Listen to me. There's a destiny in this. I've been sent to save you. You've got to come with me.
- Cherry Chester: Come with...
- Anthony Amberton: No, don't speak. I'm going away. Far away from cites and people, and you've got to come with me.
- Cherry Chester: I don't...
- Anthony Amberton: You don't have to know my name. I don't have to know your name. All that matters is us - two free people with a world behind 'em.
- Anthony Amberton: All my life I've hated laws, conventions, regulations, marriage.
- Cherry Chester: Well, what's the matter with marriage?
- Anthony Amberton: It's so unimportant.
- Cherry Chester: You're mother and father didn't think so. Or, did they?
- Anthony Amberton: Well, theirs was a different generation.
- Anthony Amberton: [as Sarah struggles to get up after falling with her skis, stubbornly refusing his help] A friend of mine spent three weeks once trying to get up. We had to feed her out of a bottle.
- Cherry Chester: Wait! Wait a minute. Have I told you about my temper?
- Anthony Amberton: I've had complaints about mine.
- Cherry Chester: We'll fight every day.
- Anthony Amberton: We'll make up every night.
- Cherry Chester: I'll leave you over and over again.
- Anthony Amberton: I'll always find you.
- Anthony Amberton: I don't say that marriage is perfect, but it's the only solution for the average woman.
- Cherry Chester: But I'm not an average woman. Would you have fallen in love with an average woman?
- Anthony Amberton: Certainly not! Would you have fallen in love with an average man?
- Cherry Chester: Certainly not! What makes you think I've fallen in love?
- Anthony Amberton: If you call making faces on the screen a career.
- Cherry Chester: What?
- Anthony Amberton: You certainly can't call it acting.
- Cherry Chester: I suppose you call that tripe you turn out writing?
- Anthony Amberton: Ah ha! So you've read my book?
- Cherry Chester: I started one.
- Anthony Amberton: What one?
- Cherry Chester: That masterpiece where you look down all six of the pyramids.
- Anthony Amberton: There are nine pyramids.
- Cherry Chester: Six!
- Anthony Amberton: Nine!
- Cherry Chester: Didn't you ever want to find me again?
- Anthony Amberton: Did you want to be found?
- Cherry Chester: Here I am.
- Anthony Amberton: Here you are. And if you think you'll ever get away again
- Cherry Chester: You think I ever want to get away again?
- Anthony Amberton: All I can say is, you're a stubborn, disagreeable little brat.
- Cherry Chester: And all I can say is you're a contemptable, nasty, ill-tempered conceited monster.
- Anthony Amberton, Cherry Chester: I married Sarah Brown, and now I find I'm the husband of Cherry Chester too. So what?
- Cherry Chester: I married John Smith and I find I'm the wife of Anthony Amberton besides. So what?
- Anthony Amberton: Darling, we're bigamists, do you mind?
- Cherry Chester: I love it.