Margaret Sullavan credited as playing...
Cherry Chester • Sarah Brown
- [Cherry apologizes for almost injuring Mrs. Medford]
- Cherry Chester: If I ever did, I'd blow my brains out!
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: I know. And then I'd have to tidy up afterward.
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: Go and put on something that'll make you look sweet and...
- Cherry Chester: Oh, but I wanna be mysterious. I wanna be alone.
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: Well, don't try that -- you're not Swedish.
- Anthony Amberton: [after jumping into Cherry's carriage to escape a horde of female autograph hounds] Don't you really know who I am?
- Cherry Chester: No. Just because you know who I am doesn't mean that I know who you are.
- Anthony Amberton: Well, I haven't any idea who you are.
- Cherry Chester: You mean you've never seen me before?
- Anthony Amberton: No. As a matter of fact, I'm sorry I haven't. You're rather attractive in an elementary sort of way.
- Cherry Chester: Can't you manage to be a little less personal?
- Cherry Chester: [Reading the promos on his book] Mr. Amberton has conquered the highest peaks known to travelers. Oh, blah! Bilge, absolute bilge!
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: Now, go and get dressed, and stop acting like an actress.
- Cherry Chester: I am an actress. First, an actress; then, a woman. My art comes before anything else.
- Anthony Amberton: How do you like New York?
- Cherry Chester: I loathe it. I loathe all cities.
- Anthony Amberton: Fine. That's two of us.
- Cherry Chester: [Looking through Boyce's book] Anthony Amberton - sounds like a hero in a costume picture. Great adventurer? Probably afraid to cross the street. Lots of hardships - I'll bet he's lost without his hot water bottle. Ah, Mr. Amberton and his camel. Oh, I see - he's the one with the hat on.
- Cherry Chester: [Grabbing the book that Boyce is reading and looking at the title and author, "Astride the Himalaya," by Anthony Amberton] You too, Brutus!
- Cherry Chester: But I don't want to be interviewed. I told you before - I won't be interviewed
- [Going into a tantrum]
- Cherry Chester: I won't! I won't! I won't!
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: My absolute angel?
- Cherry Chester: There's only one way I can ever fall in love. Not as Cherry Chester the actress, but as a plain, ordinary girl. I could only fall in love with a man I don't know - and he didn't know me.
- Cherry Chester: From now on I'm going to be an angel. I promise you - an absolute angel.
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: That's my good girl.
- Lem: I didn't quite catch your name.
- Cherry Chester: I didn't throw it. My name is Brown.
- Lem: How's that?
- Cherry Chester: [Loudly in his ear] I say my name is Brown.
- Lem: Oh, Brown. His name is Smith. Heh, heh, heh.
- Anthony Amberton: [Looking at his wrist] Somebody stole my watch.
- Cherry Chester: It's 27 minutes past three.
- Anthony Amberton: I'm late. I have to go.
- [He gets out of the carriage as it moves on, and leave the money she had given him thinking he was a poor thief out of work, and leaves a card of the lodgings he will be at in the mountains of New Hampshire]
- Cherry Chester: If only I could be alone on a mountain top, with the sunshine, with the stars.
- Anthony Amberton: Listen to me. There's a destiny in this. I've been sent to save you. You've got to come with me.
- Cherry Chester: Come with...
- Anthony Amberton: No, don't speak. I'm going away. Far away from cites and people, and you've got to come with me.
- Cherry Chester: I don't...
- Anthony Amberton: You don't have to know my name. I don't have to know your name. All that matters is us - two free people with a world behind 'em.
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: Horace Van Steedan is the monument of respectability.
- Cherry Chester: So is Grant's Tomb, but who wants to marry it?
- Cherry Chester: I see you still don't trust automobiles.
- Brakeman: And we do for a little effectiveness.
- Mrs. Boyce Medford: Yes, Prince Ali and his 40 "we's." .. He's in New York. He telephoned you 16 times this afternoon.
- Cherry Chester: Only 16? I must be losing my grip.
- Mitty Simpson: This is the rose room. We call it that on account of the roses.
- Cherry Chester: That's a very good reason.